Balance, Balance Everywhere: A Summer Update and a Link For YOU!
Summer is in full swing around here. We’ve spent a lot of time at the pool and a lot of time at the baseball field. Of course, I don’t have any pictures of either of those things. But I did take a picture of these peaches on my windowsill this morning. Priorities….
We just returned from a long weekend in our hometown. Jon and I were excited to spend Father’s Day with our dads this year. My Daddy is 86 years old. And, well…you just never know how many Father’s Days you have left. So…
And I sent my daughter off to stay with her cousin. This is the first time in the 14-year history of Mommy-hood that I’ve been away from any of my kids longer than two days. I’m excited for her. I am tolerating this arrangement. I miss her terribly. She’ll be back late tomorrow night. Twenty-four hours from now. But, who’s counting?
Other than that, I’ve been busy working on my Wednesday night class at church, called Balance that Works for Women. Because I spent several days out of town, I wasn’t able to adequately prepare for Week Two until today. So, I spent the last 12 hours sitting at my computer, preparing notes on Perfectionism, Procrastination and Busyness, while my 4-year old watched Beauty and the Beast five times. Five times! I also fed her popcorn and apple sauce for lunch. And boxed mac and cheese for dinner. True story.
Oh, the ironies are just OOZING from that one paragraph, are they not?
If you want to listen to Week One, you can click here. It’s a free download and runs about an hour and 15 minutes. You could download it onto your I-Pod and go for a long walk. Doesn’t that sound relaxing? Or, you could put your kids in front of the television and listen to it FIVE TIMES, while they eat junk.
Balance…gotta love it.
Balance That Works For Women, Week Two will be Wednesday, June 22 at 7:00 pm
in the Sanctuary of New Life Church in Louisville, KY
We really WILL be talking about Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Busyness…and also The Comparison Trap. All Barriers to Balance. Unless you are comparing yourself to ME. I obviously set the bar rather low.
If you are in the area, I would LOVE to see you!
Want that link again to Week One? Here it is!
Am planning to listen soon – can't wait!
Your daughter is beautiful and looks just like her mama:)
Love the picture of you with your dad. That is so sweet. And may I just say that it's nice to see you again, my dear!
I loved all the post – time with family – and that paragraph that said so much – real life and real love! Have a blessed summer!