1. I struggled with this a bit then realized that if we live our lives and do everything glorifying God then we are doing what He wants and His Spirit will draw in those that need to; hear, see, read or watch what it is that we are doing for God and He will touch them in the only way that He can.

    Your blog here glorifies God and I am sure you are reaching those that need to hear what God places on your heart. This blog ministers to me and I appreciate what He gives you.

    God bless,

  2. Good post! I'm still trying to figure out what to do with my gifts and talents…sometimes it's hard to know what direction to go in when it seems you could go in several! I also think God gives us seasons of preparation when He pulls us away to pour into us His character before "releasing" us, like Moses in the desert and Joseph in the pit. At least, I'd like to think that's what God is doing with me right now, lol! It would be better to think that than to think I'm allowing my gifts to languish, lol!

  3. I just started to blog. And even in these few little weeks that I have blogged, I am already battling with, "who really cares about what you have to say??" Thank you for reminding me that people care… and most importantly… God cares. This past year, I became a mom of two adopted Ethiopian twin boys. And its been a struggle to still keep the "me" and follow my giftings and talents amidst Mommyhood. But its an important thing to hang on to. Thank you.

  4. Sandy,

    I have asked this of myself:

    Could I toil my whole life through.
    If I knew
    only one soul I would bring to God?
    Do I think it would be worth it?
    Only one?
    What if none?
    What if I only was used to move something along God wanted moved along.
    Would I be satisfied to do that which he wanted me to do?

    I wish I was humble enough to say the answer would be yes.

    But can I toil without recognition and knowledge that I was on some front pleasing the master? If God was silent as I toiled could I keep taking one more step? Sometimes I wonder what is my "gift". What would God say if He said Mark I want you to do this for me. I think at times I have a hero complex. I dream of being a hero. Can I be a hero that's only known after all is said and done? Can I be a hero to just my wife and kids and be satisfied? And if not…. Why not?

    Sometimes I feel as if I am a teacher and sometimes an encourager and sometimes a guy who needs both teaching and encouraging.

    I always seem to come back to this is what God wants me to do:

    Love and obey.

    And if I do that then he will put me where he wants me and where he will use my talents in ways I may never know. Then I have to trust and obey.


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