1. Welcome home, and belated happy birthday. So glad the two publishers liked your book, you have my continued prayers. I am looking forward to your new series.

  2. Ah, Sandy, it was so refreshing to be with you this weekend. I'm sorry I missed you yesterday to say good bye, but I'm sure God will provide other chances for us to be together one day. (Coming up this way anytime soon??)

    You are such a delight and it was one of the highlights of my weekend to be with you. 🙂

    Looking forward to that new series!!

  3. Sandy, So glad they liked it! It's exciting to hear that prayers were answered, now I just pray that the response time is quicker than you anticipate. Looking forward to the new series, quite a few on the list that I fall into. 🙂

  4. Sandy, I'm thrilled to hear this news. I realize you still need to wait and wait …but it does sound encouraging indeed!

    I didn't realize it was your birthday yesterday. A belated Happy Birthday to my good friend.

    I look forward to this series as it's something that interests me very much.

    BTW, I received a wonderful blessing and you'll be able to see it on Heart Choices either later tonight or tomorrow. I'm not telling yet …but check back later.

    Love you Sandy,

  5. WOW!!! Congratulations & blessings Sandy! Happy Birthday, too (belated)!
    Looking forward to your new series & the book. Keep us posted!

    Waiting to hear God & the freedom!

    Love your personal note of so much LOVE to welcome you back & party! I truly hope that you hear of your success in a book deal very soon!!!

  6. Welcome Back! Can't wait to see how God works through the new series and watching the adventure the Lord has for you with the book!

  7. Oh Sandy! I am so glad to hear that your appointments went well (and that you were able to have the extra not-so-chance meetings)! I was so blessed to meet you this weekend and to find a sister that speaks my language. 🙂 Did I tell you I also was invited to send in my proposal via email?! And fyi, I spoke to a LOT of women who said they received "really good feedback" but did not get the invitation to email. Too cool!

  8. So glad you had a great time and that everyone loved you and your book proposal (not surprised, by the way).

    Sounds like you had a wonderful bday, too. Did you get my card?

  9. Your daughter sounds like my son. One time he called me while I was on a business trip to Washington, DC and told me that my plants were dying. I asked if he would please water them, and he responded, "No. You come home!"

    I would rather it be that way — the kids needing and wanting us — than the other way around!

  10. So excited for you and ecstatic that all went well!!! I'm learning the power of prayer and even through praying for people I've never met!

    May God give you patience as you wait…

    I look forward to reading through the next series.

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