1. Girl- I so needed to hear that today!! God hasn’t forgotten me, hasn’t said, “well that heartbreaking affair mess is cleaned up now time to move on.” He knows the innermost hopes of my heart when it comes to J’s spiritual growth and will not leave me to continue fighting that battle alone.

    Love you! It would be really nice if you all could be called to Dallas. Or us to Kentucky :-).

  2. Your post refreshed me this morning!

    We just moved across the country this past summer and the hardest thing has been trying to find a church home – and a person to do my hair!

    How tender and awesome God is to send you those sweet words when you needed it most. So awesome 🙂

    Love and Hugs,
    Kate 🙂

  3. I loved this post Sandy. Gave me goosebumps. I need to be held accountable for more than just fitness..I need to wake up each and every day wanting to delight in the Lord and grow grow grow. I will have trust in God that this will happen.

  4. Sandy-that was so good to hear this morning! I can totally relate and even though I am not going all the way to Kentucky, I will be saying goodbye to FL for NC and leaving my family (especially my sick mom), friends and THE BEACH for a second time, as we plant another church. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement.
    On another note…YAY! I’m glad you guys liked Airin. I’m so excited. And please don’t send me a gift card. I’m just honored that they liked the name. 🙂
    Love you!

  5. I love it when our gracious Lord works things out like that! Spiritual signs that prove without a doubt that God is in control and has His hand on every aspect of our lives just make me want to shout!! It is just the portion of grace we need for our walk of faith…Thank you, thank you, for sharing this testimony today!

  6. I love, love, love the name Airin!

    Beautiful post. When you say things, I’m reading going, “Yes… Yes… YES!!!”

    I’m so glad you ordered the book. You know how I feel about Body For Life, and I feel the same way about Making the Cut. I actually feel that it’s eaier to do from home. I just have to tweek the exercise a bit. Let me know if you have any questions about it!

  7. Sandy–I have not forgotten about you!! I have had some nasty, funky, got-momma-down bug but am feeling a little better today. I am coming back to read this post(and those before it).

    I am praising God for little Isaiah (and his tank)!!

    Thanks for your kind words and I am looking forward to knowing you better too!!
    love, lisa

  8. O MY SANDY!!

    Did the Lord just use you in my life the way He sent your friend to yours?!! Yes He did! I have lived in Florida for two years after 10 years in VA a thriving Ministry, church involvement and serving, friends and so on and for two years it’s been quite a lot of changes.

    When you said: “All I wanted to do was establish some roots. Find some friends. Connect with some families. But even that was proving to be emotionally and physically exhausting.” I could relate.

    God is doing a great work however and to Him be all the glory.

    Bless you and thank you for sharing your heart.

    P.S. Psalm 121 is the same Scripture I’ve leaned on…

  9. Oh my goodness, I needed this one and didn’t realize just how much. I just let out a floodgate! We moved from Florida to KY in the fall. Since then moved from a rental to our home, finally sold our “fake” Florida home, our son has switched schools once already here, ditto for daycares. We even joined a church too soon (I got tired of lugging the kids around and listening to my daughter cry through each transition). My two home businesses, which I LOVED, have fallen flat, and I am l-o-s-t. I know, break out the violins, haha! But GOD IS GOOD! The most wonderful thing has happened. We found THE CHURCH. Sort of hit us over the head. And I am IN LOVE with it. More than ever in my life. We all are, even the once traumatized daughter, and with that in place, the storm has been so calmed. There is a center and the rest of the spokes will be filled in due time! Love love loved your post~

  10. Sandy, your message was great last night. Sounds so much like the first time I walked (or should I say crawled into our church) I was so broken, but I could see that there was health there. I have learned so much from the Pastor, elders, church friends, and people who want to teach me what they are learning (like you). I know in the end it was not just “this” church or “that” person, but the love of God that is shining over us from our heavenly father.
    Amy L. Leenerts
    Mother to many

  11. I love that verse…sometimes we have to remember where our help actually does come from. It’s hard to stop and think sometimes when things are crazy..when they calm down we wonder why we didnt just stop and take time to ask for help from God. God never forgets us …it’s us that forgets him sometimes. Be blessed and have a beautiful day! Stacy

  12. Sandy, it’s 3AM Phoenix time and I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep! Do you know what had come to my mind while I was lying there restless in bed? I needed to read your blog. Here it’s been over a month since you were so welcoming and kind in allowing me to write and link to you on Fitness Fridays and I hadn’t taken the time to go through your posts and find out more about you. I will have to email you and share more but in the meantime, my friend, you touched my heart!

    You see, I am being uprooted right now. My circumstances are different but we have to sell our home. This is my dream house and I love it. I am in the midst of getting it all ready to show to prospective buyers. My garage is filled with boxes and I’m trying to clean everything. Since my husband and I work from home, we don’t look forward to having to leave the house while our realtor shows it.

    Your friend’s Scripture was perfect for my situation too. See how an obedient godly woman can impact others. She shared that with you and through your blog you blessed and comforted me. Thank you Sandy!

  13. Hi Sandy,
    Loved this message….what an incredible story.

    I can relate on so many levels because….. that’s military life! Being uprooted every two years like clockwork…starting over and over, again and again. Ain’t easy, but it’s possible because GOD IS EVERYWHERE. He goes ahead of us, and follows us!

    Hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day.

    You are a blessing!

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