1. It’s funny, because I hear so many people confess they need faith to move, step out, or take a leap; whereas, I need faith to stand still. To NOT do. To NOT leap.

    THAT'S what I was trying to say in my email ;0

    and you know what my reaction was when I read that…Mercy, I got on my knees because I KNOW an hour a day takes a move of God!!!

    And, I pray He gives it to you anyway xoxo

  2. "Scrapping and clawing" – such a good way to describe me trying to get through my to-do list daily. Hmm, maybe there is a lesson for Mindy in here:)

    Thanks for the gentle reminders and I'm so glad you listened, obeyed, and shared!

  3. This is SUCH a good word, Sandy. First, to really listen to what God wants us to do, rather than what WE want to do. And second, to just slow down and not heap so many expectations on ourselves.

    I could write an entire blog post (I probably should) on all that I think God is teaching me in those areas. I've been struggling with my "identity" as a writer too because I'm also a teacher. Lately the teacher part of me is trying to get out, but I've stuffed that down for a long time. Just trying to sort it all out. I think your post helped me a little bit.

  4. Wow…obedience must be a running theme in blog land! You are right, it takes just as much faith and strength to be still as it does to move. It doesn't necessarily mean idleness, it means giving God the space to move in our lives…getting ourselves out of the way. Just watch…I bet you'll end up writing more in those few hours a week than you would've if you had been writing every single day! God works like that! Amazign, isn't He?!

  5. I'm with you — I'm in that same place of not doing, not leaping. And, I've just been trying to live my life in such a way where I do the things He helps me make time for (like playing LEGOs. for what seems like hours. ohmygoodness).

    Anyway, this is good. And I think you can still be a writer even if you don't write daily. 🙂 I'm calling myself one!

  6. Hi Sandy"

    I came by from Lisa's page, and I am cheering you on from my Texas sidelines!

    Here's the neat thing, which you already probably know… what you hope and dream for, God has already heard, and probably they will come about with NO effort on your part, because of your obedience to His FIRST call right now in your life… your precious family.

    I'm enough further down the road that my heart applauds this choice, and all the gifts He means to use with your writing, etc…. He will still use, but it will be in a way you couldn't have finagled if you wanted to. 🙂

    Your scripture is so special, and He so obviously meant that for you at this time.

    Keep praying and trusting… there is so much ahead!


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