Ep 110: Why God Sometimes Cuts Things Out of Your Life
Motherhood often feels like loss: Loss of your schedule, loss of control, loss of yourself. This can be very confusing because, as a Christian, you KNOW God has called you to live an abundant life! So, what’s up with this? Are you doing something wrong? Or are you doing something right?
(spoiler: you’re doing something right!)
Welcome to my Summer Replay Series! I’m rerunning a series that first aired in Feb-March 2020 on Abiding in Christ (John 15). In EP108 I introduced you to the series and in EP109 I introduced you to the Cast of Characters and the 5 Branches–specifically the branch in Christ that does not bear fruit. Today we are talking about pruning. If you are experiencing loss or pain in life, this may be why. Listen in.
Today, we continue our Abide series based on John 15:1-17
The main points we cover:
1. Outside of harvesting itself, pruning is the single most important task for ensuring a plentiful harvest
2. The Vinedresser prunes back
- aggressive growth
- pinching
- topping
- thinningÂ
- dead and dying leaves and branches
- suckers and shoots from the True Vine
3. Pruning is individual and personal
6 Strategies for Staying Calm When Your Child is Freaking Out
I bought my “abide” bracelet here.
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Is the Voice in My Head God or Just Me? is available on Amazon for $19.99
Finding Your Balance is available on Amazon for $14.99
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