1. Hi Sandy. I added my Happy New Years post which did not include a resolution but basically spoke about what I think my purpose is here.

    I think resolutions are great but I also believe that people always start the new year with so many resolutions of what they want to change about themselves and don't look at the positive things but only focus on the negative.

    They look back at what they did wrong the prior year and vow to change that aspect of themselves. I think we should look at resolutions a bit differently and just think about what excites us and makes us feel good and vow to do more of that in the coming year.

    I love starting a new year because to me it's like shedding an old skin and growing a new one. You get to reinvent yourself each year and start fresh. Out with the old and in with the new. Its time to stop focusing and dwelling on the past and time to create an exciting new future.

    Our vibration is raised when we are doing what we love and loving others, that helps raise the vibration on earth and thus everyone benefits as more light and love is here.

    BTW, I adopted my son Eli from Guatemala as well. He was born in 2004 and we brought him home in 2005. I recommend adoption to anyone as it's been one of the most positive experiences in our family's life.

    Here's to a wonderful and light filled 2012.

  2. I found you from Soli Deo Gloria and I'm so glad I did because I can completely identify with this post! First, I love how you worked out your year ahead with Jan-March, etc. I need to do that. It will give me a clearer picture of what I am facing, as my husband is starting a new job, will be traveling more, and many related changes are happening in our household. 2012 promises to be a year of change for us, and so, time management will be key. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts on this! As for my personal resolution, it is to exercise three times/week, so i expect encouragement on that front here too. Happy to have found you 🙂

  3. Hi Sandy, My new years resolution is to pray every day and thank God for the miracles that he's done in my life. I have grown alot over the last two years in my belief in God, and recognizing what comes from God and what comes from "life". I love reading your blog. God Bless u and yours

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