Your quiz results + next step
The Defender
First the Good News
You do not have a time-management problem.
The bad news is, you have a “too much on your plate” problem.
The even worse news is that you truly believe you have no control over this. Between your job, your spouse’s job, your kids’ activities, and all your volunteer commitments, you sincerely cannot see any place to cut. Of all the Busyness Personality Types, you are most likely to have extenuating life circumstances–maybe a special needs child, or a spouse who travels extensively, or you are the sole financial provider for your family. (By the way, if not one has told you lately, you’re amazing!)
Therefore, if someone were to guide you through every item on your schedule, you’d defend each thing. You’d explain why you cannot possibly neglect each and every task on your docket. And you’d probably be right. You’re convinced that your lot in life is to be perpetually busy. Unfortunately, it is what it is.
Next Step for the Defender
Get some help. You believe you cannot get anything off your plate (again, this may be true!), so the best thing for you to do today is to get help with something ON your plate. Hire help. Delegate a task. Hold a family meeting and redistribute chores. Even small changes can make a big difference in your margin throughout the week.