Your Quiz results + Your next step!
The Perplexed
First the good news:
You don’t have a problem with over-commitment or too little time. (Yay!) Rather, you have a problem managing the time you have.
You, my friend, are busy from morning till night. You let the loudest voice or most urgent task dictate your schedule. When the bills are due, you pay them. When the groceries are out, you shop. When someone calls, you answer.
But at the end of your long, exhausting day, you look around and ask, “What in the world did I accomplish today?”
As “The Perplexed” you have probably described yourself as “a chicken with her head cut off.” Maybe others have described you as “chaotic,” “disorganized,” or “scatter-brained.” (ouch!)
Sound familiar?
This is because you haven’t defined what is important to you and what is not. Or maybe you have, but you don’t know how to live your life to reflect your priorities.
Your lack of planning and uncertainty about your priorities and your schedule leads to frustration, spinning wheels, and incomplete tasks.
Next Step for The Perplexed
Take some time to pray and fast about your priorities today. Get as detailed as possible. For example, you may know that your children are a high priority, but infants will usually rank differently than adult married children living in a different state. Healthy parents will rank differently than aging parents needing daily care.
Then, rank them in order with the highest priority being a non-negotiable:
- if I only get ONE thing done today, it must be this.
- If I only get TWO things done today, I’d add this.
- And so on.
Do this every morning.
Deciding what is most important to you and seeing it in writing will help you filter everything pulling at you.
Here is a list of possible priorities (These are just suggestions. Use this list to spur your thinking)
- time with God
- my health
- taking care of my home
- my job
- my ministry
- personal growth and development
- my marriage
- my children
- my extended family (i.e. parents, siblings, etc.)
- my friends
- my volunteer work
- my hobbies
- other_____________