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The Reflector
First the good news
You don’t have a time-management problem. You are doing the best you can with the amount of things you’re committed to.
The bad news is, you have an over-commitment problem. You take on way too much, often sacrificing meals, sleep, or prayer to get it all done.
As a Reflector, you tend to look around at what your peers are doing (or what you think they are doing) and you try to REFLECT that image. More than other Busyness Personality types, you feel a deep sense of affirmation and worth when people notice your accomplishments or compare you favorably to your friends, and feel inadequate or invisible when they don’t. You have fallen victim to The Comparison Trap.
You may not ever admit this out loud, but keeping up the outer appearance is vitally important to you.
If you work outside the home, you are especially vulnerable to the approval and expectations of your boss and how you look to her in comparison to your colleagues. If you are a mom, you are especially vulnerable to the “standard” set by other moms in your social circle–the size or cleanliness of their homes, the number and quality of activities in which their kids participate, etc. Your measuring stick for success is how you stack up against other “successful” people–whomever the “successful” person is to you. Therefore, you often commit to things you cannot do or should not do, just to keep pace with these people or with the image you want to project.
Next Step for The Reflector
Every evening before bed, write down at least one thing you want to remember forever and ever about today. Be on the lookout throughout the day for beautiful moments in your life. Gratitude is the antidote to the Comparison Trap.