1. The menu! The plan! In order of the store! That is so me! And, okay, maybe sometimes, just sometimes I struggle to complete tasks because I can't focus….



    What was I saying?

  2. What do you mean that your opening story was fictional? It sounds like my mornings. Do you have a spy cam on me?

    I am a poor time manager and must check off number 2. Right now, I have dishes to put away, clothes in teh dryer, a load in the washer. I have to iron my uniform for tomorrow and Alberto's clothes too (I am convinced it does make a difference). There's the bathroom to clean and what am I doing? I'm on the computer checking my emails and blogs…..

    Oh yeah and my Bible is open and has been in that open position just staring at me, saying, "read me" and my journal is saying, "God is calling and asking you to open your heart and talk to Him" and what am I doing? I'm checking out my blogs and beating myself up because the chores still haven't gotten done…. sigh!

  3. Hi. My name is Shanda. I'm a PTMBP who knows her priorities but has NO CLUE how to discipline myself to get anything accomplished, especially when I throw in my hint of perfectionism, which rears it's ugly head in the MOST UNPRODUCTIVE of ways and so I run around the house like a crazy lady and wonder how in the world anyone ever gets anything done!

    Can't wait to

  4. Wow, what an eye opener this morning! I would never have defined myself as a "people pleaser", but you just did. I am definitely an over committed busy person. In fact, I just put a sticky note on my monitor with OCBP so I can mull this over today. I work full time, have 3 kids (ages 1, 3, 5), both my job and my husband's are crazy, I teach Children's Church, and have activities most nights of the week. I have come to terms with having guests in my clean but still cluttered house because we have people over so often. We even finished a guest room in our house.

    God has been telling me I need to free up more time for the Children's Ministry in my church. But I do feel like everything I do is vital, and I already live on coffee and Tums. So, I have been praying for ways to simplify, and I am loving your posts.

    Thank you again for this online fellowship!


  5. Well, I'd say that it was me you were spying on in an attempt to describe "fictional" Mom #1 but it appears there are others you spied on before you got to me! I am such a #1 it's not even funny! Can't wait to hear what your suggestions are. Because now that we've started with kindergarten and "real" School commitments, I can see myself becoming a #1 with a fair bit of #2 thrown in keep me occupied in the "down time"

  6. This is SO cute, and so insightful at the same time. I laughed out loud and then gulped once or twice. I'm a mixture of a whole lotta lotta different stereotypes…and I'm constantly asking the Lord to help me sort through it and get me going in His direction. Can't wait for your practical insights!

  7. I found myself in PTMBP(3). LOL w/ the grocery aisle thing – I do that! (The alphabetical order didn't work because I ended up all over the store.) And the pdf of the grocery list.

    And fictional girl could have been me, too except we don't use a dishwasher.

  8. It was scary how you described me exactly! I felt like you were in my brain. I am so blessed to have found your blog. I can’t wait to read so much more. Thank you. Your words are changing my life.

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