Ep 11: Keeping Your Cool During a Teen Temper Tantrum
When your teen loses it, the absolute worst thing you can do is lose it too. When you match your child tantrum for tantrum, there are immediate and negative consequences:
- You lose your leverage
- Your teen feels like you are not a safe place.
- It’s impossible for you to think rationally.
“Your defining act of love for your child will not be the 2:00 A.M. feeding, the sleepless, fretful night spent beside him in the hospital, or the second job you took to pay for college. Your zenith will occur in the withering blast of frightening rage from your adolescent, in allowing no rage from yourself in response. Your finest moment may be your darkest. And you will be the parent.”
~ Michael J. Bradley~
- Pray
- Envision yourself maintaining control
- Walk away (or run!)
- Picture your teen as a toddler
- Be the adult you want your kids to be
- Imagine how you would act if someone else were in the room watching.
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