1. Sandy, my heart aches for you. This was such a lovely post–you captured the spirit of your father. I am honored that you chose to share your grief with us. I will keep you in my prayers!

  2. This is such an incredible tribute to a father.
    We are so lucky to have role models like this.
    I pray for you in this difficult time.
    But it sounds like you are also rightfully at peace with the knowledge that he is dancing in Heaven with his cherished wife and grandson.
    Beautifully written, Sandy

  3. I had to share this on facebook…all dads should be so great…Yours was definitely great! Thank you for sharing this with us all.

  4. I enjoyed your tribute to your father. Wishing you peace during this difficult time. Sounds like you too had a wonderful father who shaped your life in many beautiful ways.

  5. Sandy, what a beautiful tribute to your dad. So sorry for your loss but how wonderful that you WILL see him again and dance with him. I chuckled at some of the things you learned from your dad. My dad used to go around without a shirt all the time, it seemed.

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