1. Sandy…I am DEFINITELY going to be checking in on your blog each day! Believe it or not…I find it difficult to find others that profess that God speaks to them. Anytime I share this with others…I tend to get the "look" that I've just stepped off a spaceship from some other planet! I'm trying to teach my children about how God speaks and hearing His voice…it's not easy…but I think it begins with daily surrender…sitting at His feet…being hopelessly dependent upon Him. Can't wait to read your blog posts sister!!!

  2. Sandy, I'm in. I have been asking God some tough questions — tough because I think the subject matter is difficult to comprehend. And it with expectancy that I look forward to hearing what He has to say.

    Good thing I just stocked up on notebooks from Target. They are going to get a lot of use!!

  3. I really look forward to this series.

    I am in – in a kinda scary/ I have a trip coming up/ what if I don't hear from God/way.

    Thanks for upping the ante. It is good for what ails us.

  4. I'm looking forward to reading about what God Speaks to you in the next 30 days. I'm sure I will participate in all of the ways you mentioned (journaling, blogging, and privately). Thanks for being willing to share this journey with us. As always, I will look forward to your posts. I find your authenticity very refreshing!

  5. What a great blogging idea. I will definitely be checking in to your blog (as I already do) to see how God is speaking to you!

  6. I came over from Barbie's blog. I'm really interested in reading what happens during your next 30 days. I'm a new blogger (relatively) and would love to get into freelance writing. I don't know if I'm a health buff, but I love to run and just completed my first marathon in February.

  7. Ok, so I found your blog through "Glad Chatter", and started reading the story of sweet little Noah, and…as much as I didn't want to add yet another blog to my feed, I'm just going to have to add this one so I can come back and read some more. You had me at "God Speaks Through the Storm". So I'll be visiting more often and will take my time in digesting your story. Blessings to you on your journey! And if you find yourself bored one day with nothing better to do, I'd be honored if you popped in to visit my website as well.

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