Ep 72: People-Pleasing
Most women begin down the road of people-pleasing with pure motives. We don’t start by saying, “I’m going to choose the will of other people over God’s will for me.” In fact, it’s usually just the opposite. We start out thinking we are obeying God. We are trying to be nice, trying to serve, trying to keep the peace.
Like any addiction, it grows little by little, decision by decision. The opinions of others become increasingly louder, deafening our ears to the whispers of God. Often by the time we realize what we are dealing with, we are so deep into it we don’t know how to break free.
If you feel stressed, conflicted, resentful, or unbalanced, people-pleasing may be the culprit, and this episode is for you.
In this episode, you’ll learn
- the definition of people-pleasing
- 6 questions to ask yourself to determine if you are a people-pleaser
- the difference between people-pleasing and Biblical servanthood
- the roots of people-pleasing
For an in-depth study of this and all the balance barriers read Finding Your Balance.
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Do you have a balance issue specific to COVID19? Email me at thescooponbalance@gmail.com and I will try to address it in an upcoming episode!
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