Ep 73: 7 Mindsets to Overcome People-Pleasing
With balance, what we THINK about what we do is way more important than what we actually do. We could technically be doing the right things in life—living out or priorities—but if we are full of fear and pride, if we are always angry and resentful, if we’re always stressed and frustrated because we are afraid of what people think of us? This is NOT balance.
So today I’m giving you the mindsets or mantras I actually tell myself to break through the barrier of People-Pleasing.
1. Not everyone will like me or love me. And if they do, they shouldn’t.
2. Someone will always disagree with my choices.
3. People care less about what I do than what I give them credit for.
4. Jesus displeased a lot of people–I’m in good company.
5. I need to say no to things I know I should not be doing.
6. Rarely must I give an immediate answer.
7. I have the power and the responsibility to distance myself temporarily or permanently from controlling relationships.
Also…find someone to hold you accountable
and learn to say, “oh well.”
For an in-depth study of this and all the balance barriers read Finding Your Balance.
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Do you have a balance issue specific to COVID19? Email me at thescooponbalance@gmail.com and I will try to address it in an upcoming episode!
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