Ep 91: Breaking Free from The Comparison Trap
Last week in EP90 I introduced the one balance barrier that trips up every woman I know: The Comparison Trap. I talked about the history of it (which literally begins with Cain and Abel, on page 3 of my Bible) and the problem with it. Today, I talk about what we can do about it. If you feel trapped by comparison to other women, I am giving you 5 things you can do about it.
- Recognize that this is an internal problem with you, not with them.
- Consider not just the behavior, but the roots.
- Keep your focus on your own lane, looking straight ahead to Jesus.
- Realize you are not supposed to be like her and she’s not supposed to be like you.
- Speak life to yourself and to her.
Purchase Is the Voice in My Head God or Just Me? On Amazon
Purchase Finding Your Balance on Amazon
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