Ep 97: Why I’m Leaving Social Media

If you are a mom in the year 2021, you are probably on social media. And if you are a mom on social media, you have probably at some point considered taking a social media break, drawing better boundaries around your time there, or leaving social media altogether. Me too. Today I’m talking about my decision to leave social media and offering some questions to ask yourself in your own decisions about managing your social media in your life. Listen in.
Three Quick Things Before I Tell You My Reasons:
1. I am not mad at anyone and I don’t have a dramatic exit story.
2. I don’t think everyone should leave social media and I’m not judging you if you stay.
3. I reserve the right to change my mind because I’m trying to follow God’s leading. I may have completely missed it. Or He may lead me back.
Why I’m leaving:
1. The time factor.
2. I want to model a vibrant authentic life for my kids apart from social media.
3. Mental clarity.
4. Poor ROI for my business. All my personal stuff is mixed in with business stuff.
5. Hanging out on social media is inconsistent with my message of balance, simplicity, and living a quiet life.
6. Facebook is a minefield. People have lost their ever-loving minds. I feel gross when I’m there.
7. I want to prove that I don’t have to maintain a social media presence and I can still write and podcast and share my work, and also stay in contact with people I love. Also, social media is designed to be highly addictive. I don’t want to be ruled by or addicted to anything apart from Christ.
Questions to ask yourself:
Do you feel like your balance has been consistently derailed by busyness, people-pleasing, or comparison? What role do you suspect social media has played in that?
Do you think that eliminating social media will help you overcome those barriers or does it help you stay well-balanced?
How does your time on social media make you feel?
What would you lose if you left? This is a real consideration and I think it’s important to name the things.
Are there ways to communicate with people you currently follow that do not involve social media? For example, for friends and family can you text, email, or call them? If it’s someone you just enjoy following like an author or musician or public figure–do they have an email list you can subscribe to or a website you can visit? Have they written a book you can read? Do they have a podcast you can listen to?
How much time do you currently spend on social media? Have you ever tracked your average daily time?
What would you do with that time if you weren’t on social media?
How would your relationships with your closest people change if you left social media? Would you lose track of them? Or would you have more time to be with them and be able to love them better? Maybe a mixture of both?
Have you ever taken an extended break from social media? Like a month or longer? How did it go? What did you learn about yourself? How did you feel when it was time to log back on or reinstall that app on your phone? Were you excited or did you feel gross inside?
Do you wish you could get off, but you feel trapped? If so, what is keeping you there?
Finally, and most importantly, what do you sense God saying to you right now?
EP85 What I Learned from Taking a Year Off Social Media
Purchase Is the Voice in My Head God or Just Me? On Amazon
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I am no longer on Social Media.