1. Oh no, not the word verification again….

    Thanks once again for a very entertaining yet educational post on fitness. I have been eating organic/natural foods for the past three months. Basically if it's not organic, it's as close to it's natural state whole foods. And physically, I feel GREAT! Have kissed Diet Pepsi good bye!! And now have more energy. Best part about it… my estrogen levels dropped 500 points! Now talk about realizing how our diet can affect our health!

    I have to get back to the 1970's average weight. I'm linger closer to the new millineum average weight. However, since I refuse to smoke while pregnant and have my kid ride in the back of a pick up truck or bounce arond in the back of the stationwagon, I will have to resort to the dreaded exercise.

  2. For the yummiest fresh green beans – wash and prepare desired amount of green beans. When I make them, it's usually enough for 5?

    Place green beans in saute pan. Take 1 tbsp? (I never measure – adjust according to diet/taste: ) ) and drizzle over green beans. Toss to coat.

    Open up one envelope of Good Season's Italian Dressing. Shake around 1/4 of package evenly across grean beans (don't you love my non-cooking terms?!?!).

    Cook, stirring frequently, on medium heat until beans reached desired level of tenderness (I usually cook around 10 minutes for a nice crunch/tender combination).

    The oil and seasonings can all be adjusted for personal taste but it's an easy and DELICIOUS add on to dinner.

    And yes, breast feeding is great for losing weight after babies – although I joke that this time around (Having had twins), it only nursed away one of the girls. I'm still working on the other. : )

  3. Maybe I need to start breast feeding? Oh, I forget I don't have babies to feed. LOL. I guess I'll stick to my cardio.

    Well, I finally did get a fitness Friday post up after all. I wrote about just getting started and no more excuses. The American Heart Association has a START program with great resources.

    Sandy, you always put a good spin on each story. Love it.

  4. I agree, the breastfeeding would be a little challenging right now 🙂

    The book sounds cool I am going to check it out.

    que go h chi ki ya!!!!!

    That's me pretending to write in Chinese.

    What can I say…it is 5am!

    Still miss you.

  5. Awesome post. I eat almonds all the time. And I just bought 2 HUGE spaghetti squashes. My family loves them. We love kabobs with chicken and loads of veggies!

    I had to LOL when I read about he clothing. We moving I came across my "fat" girl clothing. Yep I still have them!

  6. Let's see. I nursed four kids, one of them past the age of three. So, I guess that means I am going to live forever? LOL!

    On the other hand, I do have belly fat, so I wonder how accurate the study is!

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