Fresh Corn Saute
According to a recent University of Pittsburg study, you can reduce your rick of heart disease by 10% just by breast-feeding. And the longer you nurse, the better. One explanation: Breast-feeding helps reduce belly fat, which has been shown to stress your heart. Almost makes me want to have another baby. Except that would completely stress my heart, by about 1000%. That’s counterproductive, isn’t it. On second thought, maybe I’ll just do more cardio.
In the 1970’s, the average female weight was 144 pounds. Today it’s 164. In order to get back to the weight of the good ole’ days, we’d have to cut out an average of 500 calories per day. You may also want to smoke while you’re pregnant, let your kids bounce around in the car unbuckled and use Breck hair products.
Here’s a picture of Jon and me at a 70’s party.
And here’s Jan Brady in the 70’s.
After you’ve dropped some weight, it’s a great idea to ditch your “fat clothes.” Having your clothes get snug, with no other options in your closet, is a great motivator to stay in shape. Or to go shopping. I’ve actually done that—ditched shorts that were too big, only to have all my skinny clothes stop abruptly at my hips the following summer. I had to buy all new shorts again in the big size until I could lose a few pounds and get back into the skinny ones. That was sort of a pointless story, wasn’t it. I mean, I totally just disproved my own point.
Did you know plaque on your teeth is bad for your brain? Me neither!! According to Michael Roizen, MD, “The plaque between teeth can cause an immune reaction that attacks the arteries, which then can’t deliver vital nutrients to your brain cells.” That’s just crazy. Who would think to even study that?
According to Dr. Oz, almonds are the best snack of all. Because they are high in fiber and protein, they’ll satiate you so you’ll never be hungry. And his perfect breakfast? Oatmeal, topped with fruit and nuts. Dr. Oz allegedly eats that every morning. And if it’s good enough for Dr. Oz, by golly, it’s good enough for me.
Don’t like fruits or veggies very much? Try buying one or two new ones each week and experiment. Try grilling, steaming, chopping in a salad, or adding to your marinara. You are bound to find something you like when you get creative. I absolutely LOVE grilled red peppers, zucchini and asparagus. Just drizzle with olive oil, a little salt and pepper and throw them on your grill until they get some pretty char marks. It brings out a sweetness that is just delish! You can also put them under the broiler for the same effect. Make extra, because you can chop them up the next day and toss them in an omelet for breakfast. Try grapes, mandarin oranges, apples, pears or pineapple in a tossed salad. Try spaghetti squash with a small pat of real butter and a little salt as a main dish.
Corn is getting sweeter and cheaper this time of year. Wanna great side dish recipe involving corn?
Fresh Corn Saute (From Light Cooking cookbook–which I’ve had since 1996, so I’m sure it’s not even in print anymore. So sorry.)
4 ears fresh corn
4 ounces fresh pea pods
1 red pepper sliced into strips
¼ cup sliced green onions
1 ½ teaspoons chicken bullion (I don’t like to use bullion because of all the chemicals. Find a natural one, if you can. If not, add a little chicken broth to the bottom of the pan with the oil and let it boil down a bit to concentrate the flavor.)
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper
Remove husks and silk from corn. Cut corn from cobs. In large skillet, cook and stir corn, pea pods, red pepper, green onions, bouillon and sugar in oil until vegetables are tender crisp. Serve with black pepper. Serves 4 to 6. Calories per serving: 111
And last but not least, I read a great post this week at Musings of a Housewife on eating all natural foods. She says it all with such wit and grace, I thought you may enjoy it. Here’s a snippet:
Not too long ago someone saw me carrying the book Real Food and asked me about it. (No, I do not carry it everywhere I go, but if I could afford it, I would buy a box of them and keep it in my car and pass them out to everyone I meet. It’s THAT good.)
Him: “So, what’s it about?”
Me: “Um. Eating well. Getting back to traditional foods…”
Him: “So, like, organic?”
This is where I start to fumble: “Um, not exactly. It can be… It doesn’t have to be… Um…”
And that was about the end of the conversation because I couldn’t get my thoughts together, which is nothing unusual, but it got me thinking about the subject and how I can concisely explain what I’m doing.
Traditional food MAY be organic, but it doesn’t have to be. Conversely, not all organic food is good for you. I mean, there are organic oreos. Hello? Organic is just a certification, and if you read up on it, the requirements are rather nebulous. Eating well is less about buying organic and more about rejecting the industrialized foods that have emerged only in the last 100 years in favor of traditional foods grown and prepared in traditional ways — local and seasonal produce (preferably grown without chemicals), whole grains, unrefined fats and oils, meat from animals that are fed traditional diets (without antibiotics and growth hormones), etc.To read more of her post, click here.
Thank you, Health magazine, for your inspiration this week. I was fresh out of Fitness Friday ideas, and you came to my rescue.
Oh no, not the word verification again….
Thanks once again for a very entertaining yet educational post on fitness. I have been eating organic/natural foods for the past three months. Basically if it's not organic, it's as close to it's natural state whole foods. And physically, I feel GREAT! Have kissed Diet Pepsi good bye!! And now have more energy. Best part about it… my estrogen levels dropped 500 points! Now talk about realizing how our diet can affect our health!
I have to get back to the 1970's average weight. I'm linger closer to the new millineum average weight. However, since I refuse to smoke while pregnant and have my kid ride in the back of a pick up truck or bounce arond in the back of the stationwagon, I will have to resort to the dreaded exercise.
For the yummiest fresh green beans – wash and prepare desired amount of green beans. When I make them, it's usually enough for 5?
Place green beans in saute pan. Take 1 tbsp? (I never measure – adjust according to diet/taste: ) ) and drizzle over green beans. Toss to coat.
Open up one envelope of Good Season's Italian Dressing. Shake around 1/4 of package evenly across grean beans (don't you love my non-cooking terms?!?!).
Cook, stirring frequently, on medium heat until beans reached desired level of tenderness (I usually cook around 10 minutes for a nice crunch/tender combination).
The oil and seasonings can all be adjusted for personal taste but it's an easy and DELICIOUS add on to dinner.
And yes, breast feeding is great for losing weight after babies – although I joke that this time around (Having had twins), it only nursed away one of the girls. I'm still working on the other. : )
Maybe I need to start breast feeding? Oh, I forget I don't have babies to feed. LOL. I guess I'll stick to my cardio.
Well, I finally did get a fitness Friday post up after all. I wrote about just getting started and no more excuses. The American Heart Association has a START program with great resources.
Sandy, you always put a good spin on each story. Love it.
I agree, the breastfeeding would be a little challenging right now 🙂
The book sounds cool I am going to check it out.
que go h chi ki ya!!!!!
That's me pretending to write in Chinese.
What can I say…it is 5am!
Still miss you.
I KNEW you reminded me of someone!! Thanks for clearing that up, Sandy. What an adorable picture of you and your husband.
Awesome post. I eat almonds all the time. And I just bought 2 HUGE spaghetti squashes. My family loves them. We love kabobs with chicken and loads of veggies!
I had to LOL when I read about he clothing. We moving I came across my "fat" girl clothing. Yep I still have them!
Let's see. I nursed four kids, one of them past the age of three. So, I guess that means I am going to live forever? LOL!
On the other hand, I do have belly fat, so I wonder how accurate the study is!