1. Do you know, reading your list makes me realise we’re not doing too badly. I like the idea of ‘eat something healthy first’. I might try that for myself, let alone the kids! I have been baking some parkin this afternoon, which uses coconut sugar, cornflakes, plain flour, spices and molasses. It’s got sugar in it but a good whack of iron too. I just had some with some plain soya yoghurt. So it’s a treat but healthier than something bought from the supermarket. I cook mostly from scratch, but it takes time and energy to do so. We’re going to be making our own pizzas later (kids love that) because my daughter’s friend is coming. I’ve done the same thing several times when children have come for tea. What astonishes me is that not one of them had ever made their own pizzas before! I consider myself ‘lazy’ if I buy the pizza bases ready made. Maybe I should stop being so hard on myself. Perhaps that’s part of the solution. Oh crumbs! I’m late for the school run…

  2. Thank you for this information. I am able to take home the following Baby Steps that worked for our family:

    Baby Step Two: Substitute crappy processed food (pretty much the entire center of your grocery store) with organic/all natural processed food.

    Step Six: Add a fresh fruit or vegetable to every meal and snack, and eat it first.

    Step Three: Substitute organic/all-natural processed food with whole food.

    Step Four: Substitute your family’s favorite meals with healthier or homemade versions of the same meal.

    Step Eight: Make a meal plan for the week, make a grocery list from the meal plan, and shop off your list.

    Step Five: Concentrate on one meal at a time.

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