Balance that Works for Women, Final Link
I’m sitting here on my bed trying to think of something catchy or witty to write to let you know that I’ve completed my 4-Part teaching entitled Balance that Works for Women.
I seriously got nuthin.
My. brain. won’t. make. funny. things.
Need. sleep.
(awkward segue)
Duration: About 1 hr, 16 min
Topic: A Balanced Woman’s Guide to Housework
Includes tips for tackling your laundry pile, your paper pile and
over-all maintenance of a clutter-free and tidy home.
The notes for Week Four are extensive (over 120 tips!). I wanted each attendee to have a handy dandy take-home thingie for future reference with household chores, especially because we didn’t get to discuss over half of the notes in class.
If you would like me to send these notes to you in a Word Document, email me and I will get it right out. In fact, I will e-mail any/all notes that you request from the series. Just ask!
Just in case you missed the other links:
(only 30 minutes…tornado warnings!)
If you listen, shoot me a comment. I would love your feedback!
(abrupt ending)
I'm reading through this blog post and read "talking to your laundry pile" instead of "tackling your laundry pile" and it made me smile. Then I thought that's not such a bad idea. I could name it(her?him?) and we could discuss the Oprah show we were watching as I folded.
That's all.
Just thought I'd share.