For the last few years, I’ve been an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.
I recently discontinued this gig, not because I dislike the products or the company, but because I do not have the time to commit to it. It is quite possible you will click a link to Beachbody or Shakeology and it will be dead, as there are literally hundreds throughout this blog. My apologies!
Do you want to know what drives me nuts?
Media’s portrayal of perfection.
And also, what we’ve created in labs and labeled as “food.”
When I write on fitness, I wade through the mounds of conflicting health information to bring you news
that is fair and balanced entertaining and funny.
I am a normal person, just like you, who is not genetically skinny and often eats more than a man—at least more than MY man. A person who thinks peanut butter is the perfect food, drinks coffee every morning, is cooking meals for an active family of five, is fighting against a slowing metabolism (hello, middle age!), and is constantly readjusting my schedule to accommodate exercise and home-cooked meals.
I have learned over the last 25 years that exercise is great when you find something that you love, healthy food is fabulous when you know what you like and how to prepare it, even children will choose healthy food if you serve it daily and educate them about nutrition, keeping excess weight off is a lot easier than trying to lose it, fitness and proper nutrition is a lifestyle, not a temporary fix, I cannot separate my physical and spiritual well-being: they are hopelessly entwined,
I only have one body, so I better take good care of it. I share all of this and more on a weekly feature I call Fitness Friday. Here are a few of my favorite posts on fitness.
ABC, Easy as 1,2,3 (The difference between Organic and Natural foods)
Write Blogs or Saw Logs? (The importance of sleep)
Yet Another Post on Sugar Substitutes
10 Commandments of Optimum Fitness
Working Out When You Have Small Children
Healthy Food on a Tight Budget
Today When I Look in the Mirror (a post about keeping the right perspective)
The Craziness That is My Brain (My all-time fave FF post!)
Nine Ways to Get Fat and Stay Fat
Eat to Lose Weight (How I lost a bunch of weight)
The Essential Elements of a Home Gym
Books and Programs I Recommend
This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase products from these links,
I will receive a small percentage of the cost of these products.
I am NOT a doctor or a nutritionist.
So, consult your doctor if you have concerns about anything I post.