1. "…I find my most balanced days are those with wide margins built in. I like structure, but I prefer it to be very flexible, which allows me to linger over a task or a conversation or my cup of coffee and not feel rushed."

    Ok…are you my twin sister I never knew I had?
    But, keep in mind I'm not at all COMPARING us to one another.

  2. definitely a work in progress on this one. in fact, just came from another blog where i was reading about someone's running paces – paces that come naturally to her but I couldn't reach if i tried.

  3. I often find that I not only compare myself with others — but I find myself comparning me to my standard…a very high standard.

    I am fast paced. I do everything fast. It is what makes me able to get a lot of work done more quickly than the average person — when my boss would compare others to me, I had to remind her that I could not be the standard since I was uniquely fast at what I do. But I am slow at running and getting warmed up to make changes in my life…when I sure could use a little momentum and speed.

    I love to have everything clean. I'm not going to say that I am a neat freak but I do like things neat and organized and all things MUST SMELL fresh and clean. Mind you, that is not the state of my reality but it is what I aspire to. Not sure what happens when I attain other than I sleep peacefully. =)

    I suppose there are times when I have friends who are neater and cleaner than me(these days that isn't so tough) so when I go into their homes etc, it spurs me on to be neater and cleaner because God forbid they actually want to come over to my house…. That would require me hiring someone to help clean the house because there is no way on earth I would get it up to "showing" standard in less than a non-stop marathon of cleaning. Which I get burnt out on and then plop myself on the couch and regret having blown my son's entire Saturday on my cleaning and him watching Phineus and Ferb a thousand times.

    Sometimes, I am finding, that I just have to be okay with where I am at. But then the fear of being mediocre hits me and well….

    Let's just say that neither one is or has ever worked well for me.

    It is tough when you compete and compare against the imagine you have created of yourself.

  4. I have a friend who does everything fast; work, things with her kids, clean, play, church… you name it. She exahusts me! And, then she goes around saying how tired she is all the time! I just am not wired that way… and I'm so glad! To each their own! I am super laid back~ and I'm pretty sure she thinks I never get anything done! My comparing (that I loath) is with other women physically. I know I am not a model or ever will be… but over the years I have been driven to try. I broke free from that bondange a long time ago.. but it still rears it's ugly head from time to time. Thank you for this post!

  5. I haven't read from your blog in a while because life has been crazy and I've been "cutting back." But I couldn't sleep tonight and came and started catching up (much more fun than laundry or something!).

    Just had to let you know that I've missed your writing – your sense of humor, honesty, and heart for God.

    Hmmm, this seems kind of funny to write this after I just complimented you : ), but I often read your blog and think, "I'd totally like to hang out with her and totally think we could be friends."

    And that was a statement entirely too similiar to something out of sweet valley high. Totally.

    But I thought it again tonight. So just wanted to say thanks for still being here and writing for when I can stop by and be blessed. : )

    hope to be back sooner versus later : )

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