1. A few years ago I went through much of what you're going through now, so my weeding has been done. The changes in my outlook were the most significant for me. Really knowing my limits, not pushing myself too hard out of guilt or any sense of "I should do this", but doing what I do because I feel called to do it. It's amazing.

    I still have closets and storage rooms that need to be cleaned, and I'll get to those soon, but I love my orderly days so much.

    And a cleaning lady helps!

  2. Sandy,
    I have to re-read your other posts on this series. But what caught my eye was when you said you hired someone to clean your house for you. I did that recently, too and was it freeing! At first I felt guilty for doing so, but I just worked it in the budget and I love, love, love coming home to a clean home. I didn't realize how much the disorganization and clutter was stressing me out.

    I love your prayer.

  3. My hubby and I are still working through the uncluttering together. We talked about how important it is to make our decisions in prayer for where God wants our family to be. It is so wonderful to have his support in this. Our first steps have been to split my errands for the first time, and I will try not to stress if he buys the brands I don't normally buy. He is going to take over paying the bills for a while to free up my time. Next-we are investing in a HIGH CAPACITY washer and dryer to save me some laundry time. We thought that would be worth depleting our savings a little to give me more time with the kids. My anal self has done too much research and I am down to: Samsung, Whirlpool or Electrolux. I can't wait!

    Thank you for this wonderful prayer today. I will share it with my hubby tonight. I am just learning the power of really praying together and for each other. Wow.


  4. Sandy… This post spoke to my heart – especially the last paragraph of your prayer! I plan on reading the rest of your posts on busyness. Thanks for taking the time to share with us. God bless you!

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