1. Sandy, I'm praying for you. I know how important this writer's conference is to you.

    Yes, God speaks to me too. There are times when a Scripture verse that I may have read many times before seems to simply leap off the page and into my heart. I also know His quiet whisper when I'm about to do something that may not be what He would want me to do. I then have a choice to obey or satisfy my flesh. Happens too often, I hate to admit.

  2. You know, the older I get the more I hear God speak to me. And last night I had a beautiful chance to challenge my youngest daughter (age 11) to listen to His voice too as she told me, through tears, that she hadn't been making God's priorities her priorities. It was so special, and I know He was there with us.

  3. Praying for you…

    I haven't read this post before…it still amazes me that whether God speaks to me loudly and distinctly, softly to my innermost being, or through the words of someone else, that HE knows, and HE cares, about EVERYTHING and EVERYONE and that HE takes the time to speak, if I will only listen….

  4. Oh, I am sooooo praying for you girl! She Speaks is an amazing conference and I know God is preparing something special for you there.

    I am taking you up on this challenge and I will look all these up. I'll report back when I'm done.

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