1. Happy Birthday and congratulations my friend! I'm so proud OF you and FOR you – You're doing a great job. Amazing what richness simple obedience can bring into (all) our lives!
    MARCH FORTH…go on wit yore bad self, girl…big-head girls??? Maybe a reference to our 80's hair??? LOVE YOU!

  2. Happy Birthday Blog!!! I remember the beginning; the night you tried to edit your own blog and nearly had to call 911; the honesty, transparency,vulnerability, mixed with humor and relatability. I mean really who on earth could pull off a blog about laundry — do you mix your whites with colors with topics like depression? I mean, you have to have a gift!!

    I am grateful for this blog because the Lord has used it to bless me and minister to me. I am also grateful for its author (I just realized I've been calling the blog "it" — is it a boy or a girl?) because she is a very special woman who I have the honor to call friend!!!

  3. Hey "grobs kopf madchen" (that's German for "big head girl"). Happy birthday to your blog. Don't let your kopf get too grobs with your blogosphere success.

  4. Happy Blogiversary!!! If I recall correctly it was through Glad Chatter that I found your blog. 🙂 I was immediately drawn in. How do you find out all these stats, lol! I must not be getting the full mileage out of my stat counter, lol!!

  5. I can't remember how I found your blog but I'm so glad I did:) Love, love, love everything you post – laundry and all!

    Happy bloggy birthday – I think this calls for cake!

    P.S. I'm attempting all 30 days of The Shred..I probably should have posted that at FGF, but two birds with one stone, ya know..

  6. When I started my blog last January, I googled top 100 Christian blogs. I knew nothing about blogging and figured this was a way to learn. That is how I came across your blog, Sandy, and I haven't stopped reading since then.

    Your blog is full of truth and humor, which is a wonderful combination. I love the different series that you do.

    Happy Third Blogging Birthday.


  7. Happy blog birthday, friend. I'm not sure how I found you, but so glad that I did. And, seriously, I can't believe I made the top 10. That really blessed me today.

  8. oh my goodness… this had me in stitches. Happy birthday!!! YEAH !! Hip hip horrahh!!! SOOOO glad it was born! ANd sooooo glad you were!!!!

  9. Happy blog day deary!! Wow!! How do you know all that junk??? Decipher my bog stats. please. I found you from Lysa or Missy or one of those bloggers who came to Texas and I wished I knew… Still don't know how I missed that but am so grateful I didn't miss you!!! xoxo

  10. Good spiritual blog.
    I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation

  11. Happy (Be-lated) Birthday Blog that I love!!! God Speaks Today Rocks!!!! I love that I can come read a post and no matter what I always end up laughing out loud at some point. You are an awesome blogger and truly bless me by your writing! Can't wait until I can start buying books written by Sandy Cooper 🙂 and even more excited that I'll be able to say "I know her"!!

    Keep up the great work!!

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