God’s Communication Goals Part Six, Goal Four: Other People
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I sometimes forget that life isn’t about me. Seriously, I do.
Sure, I’m praying, but I find myself praying about MY day, MY ministry, MY priorities.
Of course, I’m taking care of my family, but I’m relentlessly seeking “me” time in the process.
Certainly, I’m praying for opportunities to minister, but I’m gravitating toward and clinging to the comfortable, the natural, the familiar and the fun.
Recently, while assessing the impact and future direction of this blog, I realized that, because of some of my painful life experiences, God was connecting me to a number of people who are also enduring some extremely traumatic situations. The kind of stuff that rips out your heart and makes you want to go kiss your kids (again) while they are sleeping.
And in true Sandy fashion, I found myself resisting.
Dealing with hurting people is hard. It’s exhausting. It’s time-consuming. And It’s not very fun.
“But God…I don’t really want to reach out to all these hurting people! Remember! I’m Fitness Friday Girl! I want to write about exercise and organic foods! Oh yeah…and hearing Your voice. (long pause) Right. And that. I don’t want a sad, downer-blog! I want a fun, happy blog!”
God graciously allowed me to wallow in my pathetic whining a few minutes while I stared at a picture of one particular child in extreme distress.
And I stared. And I stared.
And then in true God fashion, He flooded my heart with conviction and compassion for the millions of hurting people in the world. And, particularly, for the small handful of hurting people who found their way to my blog or mine to theirs.
If you are one of the 75 bazillion people who read The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren, you may recall the very first line of the very first chapter:
“It’s not about you.”
I don’t know about you, but I need that tattooed to my forehead.
It’s about God and His purpose.
That’s it. That is what life is about. God’s purpose for us.
Knowing who God is, knowing who we are and allowing God to transform our hearts into the image of Christ…Why???
(Luke 4:18-19)
How can I so often miss this? God’s purpose for me and His call on my life is to minister to
the hungry and thirsty (Matthew 25:44)
So often we (I!) miss what God is saying because we miss the point of our existence, entirely.
That, my friend, is a very uncomfortable place to go.
when we follow Him there, some really mind-blowing things begin to happen. He starts to lead us to specific people who need specific words of encouragement at a specific time, and then He tells us specifically what to say. (Cool!)
He pulls the curtain back from the façade and reveals to us what is truly in the heart of people, so we can love them the way He loves them and cut directly to the core of their need. (Wow!)
He enlarges our hearts to give what we never thought we could give in and of ourselves. (Fun!)
So, if God seems particularly silent lately, or His voice seems to be fading in and out like a bad cell phone connection…maybe, just maybe, you’ve been missing the point of His communication all along.
“God is always looking for ordinary people to play significant roles in His unfolding story…While as humans we try to partner with the brightest and most powerful, God is simply looking for people who are willing to take Him at His word—those confident that with Him in the equation everything is possible.” ~Louie Giglio
If you are feeling a tug to follow God’s heart, please pray for the two beautiful little girls whose pictures appear on my sidebar. Abby and Bella both have lukemia and could really use your prayers and encouragment.
You’re right on, again! I greatly encourage you to share from the deepest hurts in your heart, as much as you can. From there flows a healing salve for other people that they won’t find anywhere else. Who wants to walk through their darkest valley alone, when they could hold the hand of a friend who has been there? You are a shining light, my friend. Happy New Year to you!
What wonderful words! God’s purpose…to be salt and light to the world! Your writings really encourage and bless me….
Happy New Year.
Once again, you are my virtual twin! I can relate on so so so many levels. And yes, I also have tattoed on my forehead: It’s not about me. Many times, I choose to wear bangs — the spiritual kind so that I don’t have to look at it. Or it will be those times that I choose not to be narcistic and look in the mirror and see it point blank.
I have been amazed at the people the Lord has allowed my path to cross. And today as I was emailing with someone who has become a dear friend I wondered, “I wonder what God would like to accomplish with this friendship”. At another time in my life that would have been shocking to think of — but lately, I would say, “wow, Ana, so profound.”
And yes, have met some people and come across some blogs where I wonder how on earth did this happen and in my heart, I felt God saying, “you are part of the relief team; the ones to renew the prayers, the hope and the encouragement. Fresh energy for the fight ahead.” And I respond, “Bbbbbbbuuuuuuuttttt God, I’m so tired. I haven’t slept in 4 days ’cause I have this horrible cough and…” And I am reminded that I keep hearing messages about Zachariah and wondering if my voice is going to be quieted until God says so.
I found your blog through another blog. Do you go to SECC?
in my opinion god will speak with us when we are doing right things god provide guidance to us for wrong and right things