1. A beautiful home Sandy. May you use it as a blessing as you did your old home. I did want to tell you I was jealous. That Millennium Falcon is one of the nicest I have saw. Make sure you keep that under lock and key. 🙂
    Meltdowns are part of like… its what you do after them thats important and sounds like you handled that great.
    Relish the Journey.

    1. If you’d like that Millennium Falcon, you can find it at the local Goodwill. It didn’t make the cut. It was one of about 30 carloads of stuff that I refused to bring into the new house. Don’t tell my son. He hasn’t asked for it yet.

  2. Sandy,
    We seem to be so much alike sometimes, working so hard to make life perfect for everyone around us, we wind up overwhelmed. I’m glad you were able to work through things with your Radical Self-Care.

    It sounds like you have great neighbors in both areas. I’m glad for that.

    Just, FYI, we had a sick toddler on Easter Sunday so we made the next Sunday or family celebration. I think we all enjoyed it a little more since the pressure was off.

    Love the new house and I can’t wait to read about the adventures you have there.

    1. Lori,

      Sometimes, I question putting myself out there and admitting how much I struggle. But then, I think, “maybe someone will relate and say ‘me too’ and feel affirmed.” Thank you for letting me know that you have felt the same way.

      It never occurred to me to celebrate Easter the next week. Good idea. I was just happy to have it all behind me.

      Have a great day, friend!

  3. One more thought (I got so distracted by the beauty of your home, I forgot about the meltdown part of your post, lol!)

    I will sometimes converse with my mom about my childhood and tell her that all of my memories are of her having it together, rarely losing her temper (unless it was someone doing something to one of her kids, than holy moley, look out!) having the house put together and the laundry and dinner done, and being heavily involved in church.

    And then she just laughs at me. Which makes me think that maybe she was a lot like me in her mothering and that time and grace have softened everything into sweet, hazy memories. Or some amnesia. I’m good either way.

    There’s hope for us all! And I have prayed many a time (today included) that God would fill in the cracks with grace, because I certainly can’t!

    have a wonderful day!

  4. I love that you share so candidly. I’ve been there girl, oh have I been there, with the meltdowns. Luckily, there ARE new sunrises each day to start fresh. Praise God for that!

    Your weeping at the old home reminded me of when we moved last. It was almost nine years ago now but I remember those emotions well. I do agree we women do leave a part of our hearts in our homes.

    Your new home is absolutely beautiful. I wish you abundant blessings and many years of loving, cherished memories there. And for the not-so-cherished memories that will surely happen, because we are after all human, may they be learning moments that bring a laugh instead of pain.

    HUGE HUGS! =)

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