1. Happy Anniversary Sandy! May you be blessed with a wonderful weekend with your honey…he sounds like a keeper!
    P.S. This has inspired me to make a list of my own good hubby's best traits…thanks!

  2. Great tribute to marriage. I write a marriage article every Sunday. Next year I am going to do a series of guest posts interspersed with my own to allow greater variety, insight, etc. Would you consider contributing one?

  3. Sandy, I love this picture of you and Jon. I loved reading both of your lists. Enjoy a wonderful time together of celebrating God's goodness and your goodness to each other. 17 years . . . how cool.


  4. The one thing Sandy probably wishes I would do more is comment on her blog. It's hard to respond to such a personal tribute but I felt now was a good time to say "thank you." I am excited about our weekend away together. I look forward to what seems to becoming an annual tradition where we map out the coming year. I love you!


  5. Happy Anniversary you two! I realize I'm a few days late though so I hope you celebrated. I love the points you shared about your hubby. He's definitely a keeper, that's for sure. Somehow I'm not surprised that you have such a good man Sandy.

    Love you,

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