1. You have to do what is best for you and your growing family… as a grandma of six I commend you for being available to your children for they do grow up so quickly.
    On the other hand if writing is your gift and you love blogging I believe you can do both, just make it a time allowance. Only blog on Fridays OR only blog on Sunday afternoon. One time a week quality blog time. ONE TIME… the rest of the week is processing what that ONE TIME will say or share.
    You can do both with boundaries it is not all or nothing. Just a bit of advise from a mom and grandma who does it all.

  2. So much I could say, but you said it all so well!

    Will miss you dearly, but I totally get this.

    May I be your Facebook friend? Cause I'm a little bit of a facebook junkie. And I find it to be the absolute BEST way of keeping in touch with my friends, near and far.

    Thanks and God bless!

    P.S. if for some reason you don't want to be FB friends, that is okay, too and I will understand:)

    Have a great Monday!

  3. Sandy:
    I am so proud of you. Your passion for the will of God is an amazing gift. Unlike anyone I know, you seek His face and desire fellowship with our creator. There is no doubt that God will direct and bless your next steps. Why am I so confident? Because you are faithful and obedient and God honors that.

    Our family is blessed because you are a Godly wife and mother. Thank you for being true to God's calling on your life.

    Let me say it again, I am SOOOO proud of you.


  4. Well now. Your post made me start to cry just a little, but your husband's comment, now THAT really got me going. You are doing the right thing . . . for now . . . for your family. Being just slightly ahead of you, I know that there are different seasons for different things, and this is a season, like you said, to look your kids in the eye.

    Oh, how I will miss your wonderful sense of humor and your godly insights. But I do hope you'll stay in touch. One of these days I have GOT to get you up here to Chicago to visit me (and we'll hang out with Glenda too).

    Love you, Sandy!

  5. I am excited for you! I am sure God has great plans for you.
    I have enjoyed "getting to know you" via your blog, and I hope you will come back once in a while and let us know what God has been up to 🙂

  6. I'll miss your posts, Sandy 🙂

    I'm so impressed. Goodness…you have Moody Publishers telling you to rack up subscribers – and here you are humbly laying it all down in obedience. Truly awesome.

    May the Lord bless you on your new journey, friend.

    Please do stop by my blog now and then. I love it when you do! Your comments always bless me 🙂

    Love and hugs,
    Kate 🙂

  7. I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation

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