Weekend Links {9}
The good news and the bad news: no house showings this week! I mean, we WANT house showings because, apparently, this is a prerequisite to people wanting to buy my house. But we DON’T want house showings when we have snowstorms and ice storms and sub-zero temps, causing school cancellations and 2-hour delays and all manner of mess and chaos, not the least of which is a giant pile of boots/coats/hats/gloves/socks/snow pants in the entryway of my home. What I’m saying is, my house accurately reflects a week of school cancellations and will, therefore, take a bit of time to get it back to Fake House condition.
(Last night, I had a nightmare that I walked in the living room and saw a realtor and two families wandering around my home in its current condition. I started YELLING at the realtor that she has to make an appointment and give me some notice and let me pick up my daughter’s underwear from her bedroom floor and wipe the pee off the toilets BEFORE she brings people in here. She said she was allowed to use the lockbox any time she wanted. I woke up all stressed and anxious. I’m removing the lockbox from my front door when I finish writing this. I’m not even kidding.)
Links this week are few, yet funny. I must have needed humor in my life to balance the chaos of house-bound kids.
7 Reasons Your Wife is Stressed Out All the Time , by Samantha Rodman, PhD. I’ve come a long way in the “stressed out” department. But I still have my moments. I had a moment a just a few days ago, and it can be directly attributed to Number 6 on this list.
7 Ways to Give up The Internet for Lent, by Jon Acuff. As an avid giver-upper of all-things Internet, I found this particularly funny. It’s like Jon Acuff knows me.
Sex is Tricky, by Glennon Doyle Melton. She wrote this the exact day my youngest said to me, “I was not in anyone’s belly. I just went straight to the adoption, right?” So, I’m going to use this post as my template for The Talk (not really).
I’m not even kidding you when I tell you that once, a long time ago, when I was showing the first house my ex-husband and I lived in…the lockbox was on the door. There were no appointments. I had turned into an OCD crazy woman who would clean, tidy, spray febreeze and pour Fabuloso down the drains and in the toilets on a regular basis…just in case.
Well, I decided to take a shower…because that’s what people. After I turn off the water and towel off, I hear voices and footsteps coming up the stairs. Um, the bedroom door leading to the open door in the bathroom were WIDE open. I WANTED to die.
Needless to say, I brought that little box inside when we were home.
So, I’m dying to know what happened with this…did they see you in a towel???? Did you scream? Did the realtor get in trouble? Tell me more!