What American Idol is Teaching Me about Walking With God
3. Sometimes the majority doesn’t know what the heck they are doing: Pia’s gone. Casey’s gone. That’s all.
4. Don’t be afraid to let Simon go: Does anyone even miss Simon? Remember last year all the commotion about Simon leaving and everyone was all “oh my goodness, what will happen to the ratings, and this will be the last season of American Idol, blah, blah, blah.” Remember that? I have found the show this season to be nothing short of a breath of fresh air. I see it on all the contestants’ faces too. Instead of standing in fear of harsh criticism at the end of every performance, they stand in anticipation. I’m convinced, no one needs a Simon in his or her life. Simons may stir up controversy, but they don’t help you excel in your gift. Identify the creator of the negative energy, bid him farewell, and don’t look back.
5. Surround yourself with people who are successful at what you want to do: What a difference it makes to have, say, Jennifer Lopez—who is selling music off the charts right now—or maybe Steven Tyler—who has made a platinum record every decade for four decades straight—offer a compliment, a criticism or a direction. I mean, Ellen was delightful, but she was more like the good friend who just wants you to succeed, but doesn’t really “get” your gift, know what I mean? It’s nice to have those people in our lives, too. Kara was just agitated with something, I don’t know what. I don’t want friends like Kara either. But oh…what a difference it makes to have Jennifers and Stevens and producers and vocal coaches working with you—for you!—refining you and your gift day in and day out. Find those people, and stay close to those people.
6. You can sing the exact same words to a different arrangement and it won’t be the same OR Make sure you listen to the demo before you buy the track: During Carole King week, 17-year-old country singer, Scotty, sang the most gorgeous rendition of “You’ve Got a Friend” I have ever heard. Literally. It was outstanding. Off the charts. And that’s sayin’ somethin’ cuz
a. I’m not a big Scotty fan and
b. I AM a big James Taylor fan, and I posted HIM singing that same song long before Scotty was even born, like a few months ago.
So, the next day, I decided to download Scotty’s song from I-Tunes. Only, when I listened to the demo, it wasn’t the same version. The song was still “You’ve Got a Friend,” but it was like double time with banjos and an added dose of twang. It was TERRIBLE!!!!
And I don’t really know how I can spiritualize this point, except that I wanted to complain to someone about it, and it might as well be you. Because I really wanted that other version and it’s not available on I-Tunes!
Can you help me find a spiritual application for that last point? What other spiritual applications can you draw from your favorite television show? Doesn’t have to be American Idol. Any show will do.
I've been watching Idol in DVR, which simply means I don't even listen to the judges comments most times as I'm in a hurry and just want to hear them sing…Alas I'm three weeks behind and hope to catch up a little today. I didn't even know Casey was gone! Yoiks! I love that you seek to hear God in all things!
Very clever post! I love your take away points, even though I haven't watched AI since Bo Bice lost to Carrie Underwood.
And yes, I believe God speaks anywhere! Especially in movies. Hubby and I have been known to dissect the spiritual applications in movies over Starbucks at Barnes and Noble. He's the only guy I know who God can speak to through "A Clockwork Orange"…
Great post!
ummm…God doesn't always give us what we want???
I couldn't agree more! Great insight. I'm watching the show right now. 🙂
Blessings to you~
That version is all over youtube.com. If you watch it in Firefox, you can download the video and/or audio and just load the mp3 into your ipod. It's good. It's country, but it's good.
Sometimes we share the exact same talk, Bible study, etc. and it falls flat the second time around. God has fresh words all the time… we should ask Him before we assume America will listen. how's that?
I'm sharing this on FB.
My hubby and I love to watch American Idol. The gals at work look forward to our lunch time Idol talk on Thursdays and Fridays. I love your thoughts on this Sandy. And you know what? I don't miss Simon at all.
Lori i agree with you but if GOD do this with us there is a better option for us instead of that which we want..
Hope for good.. Well post sounds good..