1. Good thoughts to read again! I have a huge to-do list, but am taking time to read, snuggle with one who is home with an injury, and bake her favorite muffins 🙂 (But still hoping to sneak in some food prep and vacuuming!) Have a great snow day…it is so very blasted cold here 🙁

  2. Sandy,
    Great list Sandy. We should let our to do list be driven by our to be list always. Snowing here too. Enjoy your snow day.

  3. I just read this today (Wednesday) as I had my to-do list written out and as school got called off at the last minute. It is a perfect read for me. Thank you for the list of “Be” ‘s.

    PS – I started following your blog after I read your post about Mean Kids. IT WAS AWESOME. Please don’t let those negative comments make any dent in the positive words you have given so many of us that didn’t quite know what to say when our child has to deal with the Mean Kid.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Dawn. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Why is it that we (I) dwell on the 5% criticism instead? (BTW, welcome to my blog. I’m so glad you are here.) 🙂

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