1. I love interaction too. It is hard at times to comment on a persons blog and never get any feed back from them. But,I've learned to not hold it against a person and if I feel led to leave a message I do.

    I agree, as a mom who doesn't get alot of feedback it's nice to get some at times.

  2. Being a non-blogger, I don't really notice if comments are disabled. Unless, of course, someone says they are disabling comments due to inappropriate responses. I guess I figure that bloggers probably don't really care what I have to say, anyhow, so it doesn't matter one bit whether I comment or not. But I am a faithful God Speaks reader. Except on Fridays, when I don't want to know how unhealthy my lifestyle is…even though Fitness Friday Girl is pretty funny.

  3. Marlece: I agree. Sometimes I don't comment simply because I never get a response. Ever. Or if I see 250 comments, I know the author cannot read all of those, so I think, "What's the use?"

    Sharon: I can't speak for all bloggers, but I promise that THIS blogger cares very much what my readers think. Feedback is very, very valuable.

    I'll tell FFG you think she's funny. She will love you for that.

  4. I haven't encountered not being able to comment unless it is a technical difficulty, usually on my part!

    I love getting comments. It makes me feel like I'm not alone. Sometimes, I'm shocked by how many of my readers say that they've felt the same way as me. IDK why I think I'm the only one thinking or feeling a certian way.

    What I especially love about comments is when someone reads something that I didn't think I was saying. (Make sense?) I've had readers make comments that have an insight that is stunning. Those are the best.

    Now…about the good mom chart. Make one. Put stickers on it every time you do the laundry or make a meal. When you get a certain number that ony you know, go get a pedicure, or buy a new scarf. Whatever you want.

  5. That's the whole entire point of blogging. To share and network with each other. Some of my closest friends I've made through the exchange of ideas, encouragement, and constructive feedback. The blogs that allow comments I tend to stick with and those that don't…well…I don't usually go back and visit. What's the point? I have on rare occasions removed the ability to leave a comment on certain posts for personal reasons but for the most part I love the comment section. I really do. And I check my blogs regularly and can not wait to learn more about who is reading them. I think it's just a lot of fun. I've learned a lot from what others think about what I have to say too. Great post!

  6. Well I've been disappointed when i couldn't share a thought on someone's blog but haven't thought much beyond that.
    I do tend to revisit blogs where I can read others comments and respond as well.
    I started my blog simply as a tool of journaling with the intent to print for my family. Intent has not changed but I will say I am like a child at Christmas when I get a comment…even if it is for Viagra =)

  7. I agree. There have been a few times when I have wanted to comment and then I realize they've disabled commenting. It's a bummer, but I just figure they're too cool for my comment. Just kidding (kind of).

  8. Divapalooza: I agree that it's the entire point of blogging. The interaction. That's what makes it awesome.

    Liz: I doubt the bloggers who disable comments think they are "too cool" but I think it's important that they know this is how they come across. Too bad we can't tell them. You know…without the comments enabled.

  9. Sandy, I am actually a new blogger, and completely enjoy it. I love to write, and enjoy reading from different people each day. I have written many posts with just a handful of comments and yes, sometimes, I do feel like I am writing to the wall. Most of my comments come from facebook or live…just waiting on all those comments one day. ha! 🙂 I do want you to know that I read your blog often. You are a talented writer and encourage me to be a better writer. I also used to be a nurse that taught about heart healthy living, so really enjoy fitness fridays. Thanks for encouraging us daily. 🙂 and I'm with ya on the mom part…I have 4 kids and talking to adults is nice.

  10. Hi Sandy! Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog today. Sarah's post spoke to me and I just had to comment. Its funny how after I read her blog I went for a run and those words of wisdom came to me. I get my best and deepest insights when I run.

    I just started my 2 blogs last week but have been following a few for the past year. I love leaving comments and getting comments as well and If I find a blog that speaks to me, I will read through it, so I am glad that you keep old posts as somedays we write profound posts and other days we just ramble 🙂 Its nice to find those posts that speak to you and I am a true believer in the law of attraction and if we stumble on a post that speaks to us, we were meant to be reading that particular post.

    Its great to hear feedback on a recipe or on a post, but I also know that there are tons of readers out there that may never comment but visit daily and get what they need. If we can bring a laugh or smile or insight to someone then that is pretty great in itself!

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