1. Oh Sandy, I'm so glad to read how you are so honest in your questioning but you answer with God's Word. That's the best reply!

    Love you,

  2. So GOOD, girl! What an amazing conversation! I don't know if this was an out loud conversation or not, but when I did a Beth Moore study (I cannot remember which one, but I think it was Believing God) she stressed the importance of saying things out loud — that those words, especially scripture — have even more power when spoken outside of ourselves. Just a thought.

  3. Hi Sandy,
    Those dreaded "what-if's" love trying to overwhelm us in situations like this.
    Good to see how the Lord's word to you is sending them packing with His word.
    I taught my daughter to say, "no more what ifs!" which helped her heaps, just as it did to me.
    Hang in there, praying for you 🙂
    God bless

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