1. All the goodness of a reality show, without a dedicated camera crew, with the required primal breakdown, and with no Verne Troy. Perfect.

  2. I witnessed a similar meltdown today, and ended up kicking my 4th grader out of the car to stay home with her father, and forbidding her to go to church choir because I wasn't in the mood…

    And as I drove down the road, I realized I just forbid my daughter to attend church…

    Who had the meltdown? It's all very fuzzy now!

  3. I LOVE it! And the fact that you captured it all with your camera makes it even more hysterical!

    I can picture you laughing while snapping away…were you?

    Oh, that stinkin' swift sister!

  4. This. is. AWESOME!! I'm laughing a little bit. I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, but I love love love that you captured it on camera. That is brilliant.

  5. Thanks for the laugh, Sandy, we've all see the 'disasters' that follow our kids under the influence of too much sugar. (Though mine get like that at bedtime every night – without the sugar.) Great photos too.

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