1. This is awesome Sandy, and so true. Loving people up close (spouse, children, friends, even non-Christians) opens us up intimately to the possibility of hurt, rejection, and judgment. It is VERY hard to let go of all that and do what God wants us to be anyway. Open, transparent, and offering ourselves in love, even though we may get nothing in return but God's smile and stamp of approval. In doing so, we are often more blessed then we imagined we could be.

  2. It is so much easier to live a holy life when there aren't people around. I get that. And I've found that the Lord places people in my life that I sometimes have the hardest time with; like overcontrolling ones.

    But when I lay it all down (and don't pick it up again), I find that I'm an empty vessel that the Lord can use for His purposes. He can love in and through me and then I don't get in the way so much.

    Hugs to you,

  3. "Turns out that loving people up close is WAY harder than loving people from afar. Turns out that people are messy. I’m messy. Turns out, I’m not very good at this love thing, after all."

    Such a great part of your blog—Love this post–I CAN relate!!

  4. Thanks so much for this post, Sandy. This is exactly where I was last night as I lie crying in bed about my failures…again. Thank you for sharing your story and encouragement. Run on, sister!

  5. Thank you for this post, Sandy. This is exactly where I was last night as I cried about my failures…again. Thanks for sharing your story and encouragement.
    Run on, sister!

  6. Awww Sandy, I do believe this is one of my favorite "God speaks" blogs. We're so much alike in our desire to be/do "good!" I too am glad that Father God just pulls us into his arms and lets us cry, pout, be angry, whine, etc., then kisses our foreheads and shows us brand new mercy. How amazing is our God…
    Thanks for being so transparent and "REAL!" I love you!

  7. An encouraging post, Sandy. I had a day like that last week. Came home from work tired, and got frustrated with my kids when a faulty program was at fault. Boy did I feel low.
    But you've shown great encouragement, at times like this, let us run – not away, but to God.

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