Balancing God and Life, Part 10: Finding time for Blogging
If you are in the Louisville, Kentucky area, TONIGHT I begin a three-week class on Hearing God Speak in the Midst of Chaos. It will be at New Life Church from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Childcare is available. I would love to see you there! If you cannot make it, recordings are available for free MP3 download. I will post the link tomorrow.
For Part 9, Taking Control of Your Busyness, Click Here
I thought it was time to address this issue, since I haven’t written a viable blog post in over a week. If you are a blogger, you totally get it and have long since forgiven me. If you are not a blogger, you are perhaps mildly irritated with me at this point—first for lack of decent reading material and second for returning from my brief hiatus with a post about blogging.
But hold your horses just a cotton-pickin minute, there lil’ buddy. Even if you aren’t a blogger, you can extract some good stuff from this post. See, blogging is my thang. So if you have a thang, then you can apply my stuff about my thang to your stuff and your thang.
The longer I write the less this makes sense.
For me, blogging is more than just a hobby. More than just a way to keep my family updated with recent photos of the kids. More than online scrapbooking or journaling. Which is why I was a little irked last year when I told another mom-acquaintance about my blog and she quipped, “I’m convinced that women who blog must not do their laundry.”
The fact that I don’t do my laundry has absolutely nothing to do with my blogging, thankyouverymuch.
If you blog as a hobby, I’m totally cool with that. I think it’s an awesome way to let the creative juices flow. But if it’s a hobby, then finding time for blogging probably isn’t as intentional for you as it is for me.
For me, blogging is a large part of my ministry. It’s how God uses me during this season of raising small children to go and teach all nations. It provides an avenue through which I can use my gifts of writing and teaching without having to leave my house. It simply blows my mind that I can sit in my kitchen in the wee hours of the morning to craft a post, and a few hours later people from every continent will have read it.
Just fifteen or twenty years ago, this was not possible. If a writer wanted to use her gift of writing to reach the masses, she had to use some form of printed media, like newsletters, which cost money and time to produce and distribute. Or she had to submit her writing to a magazine or book publisher, which is a slow and tedious process, riddled with rejection—not that I know anything about that. What an amazing opportunity and responsibility we bloggers have! Literally, millions of readers at our fingertips.
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16)
Which is why I make my blogging time a high priority. If you are a serious blogger and you are wondering how other serious blogger/Christian/busy people balance it all—here’s what I do:
1. I make my blog and its content a matter of prayer. Even Fitness Friday. Even the silly posts with no apparent purpose or meaning. To me, it’s all part of God’s plan for me and my ministry.
2. I pray for my readers. The ones who comment and the ones who do not. The ones who click on my blog by accident and the ones who linger for an hour. The ones who read it once a month and the ones who read it every day. If you read my blog in any way, I pray for you.
3. I commit to publish only my best work. I know that may shock you, since many of my posts aren’t very good. But I’d rather have no post than a poorly written post. I treat every post as a “first impression” of my blog—since, for someone, it is. If this is the only post someone reads on God Speaks Today, what will it say about God? About me?
4. Because I won’t just slap something up there to say “I posted,” each post takes at least two writing days for me to create. The first is where I get all my ideas down. The second is where I work out all the bugs, add and delete text, and try to fix all my typos. Emphasis on “try.” I always have a typo. What is up with that?
5. I look at simple, everyday experiences and try to find a way to create a post with it. Therefore, blogging takes up a lot of my thought-life.
6. I read books and articles about hearing God’s voice and fitness—my two main blogging topics. This keeps me fresh and current with decent material. And also dictates what I read for leisure.
7. I carve out time daily, or almost daily, for writing. At first, I blogged in the evenings after dinner when Jon was putting the kids to bed and on the weekends while Elliana napped and Jon took the older kids out to play. That worked well for about a year.
Then, evenings and weekends started getting more chaotic and inconsistent, and my kids didn’t like that mommy was always on the computer. So I tried to blog only during Elliana’s nap while the two older kids were at shcool. That worked for a little while, but I often found my brain too full of the day’s responsibilities at 1:00 pm to suddenly halt and be creative.
For me, the best solution is to write first thing in the morning before anyone else wakes up. Right now, that is 5 am. I know it sounds crazy. And if you knew me and how much I absolutely adore sleep, it would sound even more crazy (crazier?). But I need to get my children up for school at 6:30 am, so any writing needs to take place before that time. This means that I must also discipline myself to go to bed no later than 10:30-ish.
If I am almost finished with a post, I may finish it up in the mid morning after I drive the kids to school, but that is my exercise and prayer time, so I try not to do that.
On the weekends, if everyone is lounging in front of the TV, I will steal away and write—because I personally loathe the television. Other than American Idol, which was quite good last night, by the way. But I try not to do any blogging while my kids are home and awake. When I sit on the computer, it’s like I’m wearing a big sign that says, “Please come talk to me right now. Better yet, ask me to get you a snack or wipe your bottom.” Similar to when I’m on the phone. It must be electronics. I don’t know.
There are other aspects of blogging that I didn’t even touch yet…like reading other blogs, responding to comments, keeping the sidebar updated and taking time to make cute little pictures like the one one of my lady spinning plates. All of that is a vital part of blogging life. But as I look at the clock, 6:30 am is quickly approaching. So I’ll save that for another post.
In the mean time, I’d love to hear how you balance God and YOUR thang—whether it be blogging or some other thang. How do you make it a priority in your schedule?
And more importantly, what typos did you find in this post? I’m sure there is at least one.
good morning, see I read your blog every morning at 5…so I thought I would say good morning! Ok, now I have to get out there with my Ipod and run my 6 miles. Have a great day!
Thank you for this post! I am still learning about blogging so I found it very helpful. As far as balancing my thang, I usually spend time in the evenings after the kids go to bed – which isn't long at all. I also try to use my lunch time at work. I guess right now my thang would be writing blogs, reading (I love to read!) and searching/planning for the women's ministries at church. I do have a scrapbook that I have been working on for ages and it still is not done. LOL!
Thanks again Sandy! I look forward to hearing a continuation of this topic. Blessings to you and your family!
When I first started blogging I was so excited about it and all the friends I was meeting that I was spending all my time blogging. I had to balance my time as well. Have a great day.
Thanks for the tips! My very basic blogging is a hobby/foray into techno world. My true fun/passion is baking, decorating. (which is alot of what my blog is trying to be about:) I can SO relate to having the kids attack like vultures whenever I just get my hands into flour or eggs. (the snack and wipe bottom comment almost had me in tears!) Thanks for your ministry, your prayers and your committment – they mean so much!!
P.S. If you lived closer I would bake you something as a thank-you. And then we could go run it off together 🙂
Right now my "thang" is getting outside to walk/run/bike as much as possible.
I'll post your "speaking" on FB. I have a friend who lives in Louisvlle.
My music stuff gets squeezed around all the other commitments. But if I'm arranging or working on a creative project I'll often start after everyone goes to bed so that I have zero interruptions. Although I'm always sure to read/listen to it with fresh eyes in the morning. Sometimes the ideas are a little too creative at 3AM!
Going off on a different direction … I hate it when people, especially other WOMEN, don't take non-traditional work/career pursuits seriously. Eventually the quality of work stands for itself. Yours does Sandy.
I write EARLY in the morning also, usually after my study/prayer time. Seems to be when the ideas flow the best.
As for balance on the blogging, I am not there yet. I need to be more disciplined about posting on a regular basis, and reading and commenting on others' blogs. But I know that I will sit there for hours if I try now. So I am definitely in a season of visiting my favorites and only posting occasionally on my own.
i always have a typo… cant even stand to go back and reread my stuff because i hate typos!!
you and your bloggy routine rock by the way. I have tried it all. Up at 4:30 AM to write, staying up until 2 AM to write, naptime, tv time, etc. etc. etc. I think the key is listening to God and being flexible while being disciplined… the more i type the less sense i make but you get that, right?
Marlece: (yawn) good morning, friend. You must be in a different time zone, so technically, you get to sleep later than me.
Donna: Your comments are so encouraging to me. Thanks for always stopping by! And I BOUGHT scrapbooking stuff to do ONE scrapbook THREE years ago, and it's still in the bag in our storage closet. Nice.
Michelle!!! I miss you!!!
OK, Mindy: We must find a way to work out this baking/running plan of yours. I think I'm in love with you.
Melanie: So proud of you with the outside exercise. Yes, that's one of my thangs too. And thanks so much for posting my info on FB. There were some peeps there that I didn't know, but no one approached me as your friend. I would love to know one of your friends!
Terri: I would love to hear one of your 3am creations. I bet its sort of like Queen meets Chris Tomlin. And your compliment at the end got me all choked up. I love our revived friendship. 🙂
Lindsey: So how early is early for you? Just curious. Sometimes I wonder if I have to give up sleep altogether to do everything before anyone gets up. sigh….
Lisa: I totally get you, girl. No worries. If I ever see a typo on your blog, I'll let you know. It's the blogging equivalent of telling your girlfriend she has lipstick on her teeth. 🙂
Love all of you!!!
Hope all went well last night for you. Know that you were in my thoughts and prayers!
Generally from 5a-7a. Yikes. Just typing that makes me realize how early that is! 🙂
But I also try and take a nap before I get my kids from school–so that helps a lot with getting up so early and still being rested.
Hi Sandy!
I'm always so impressed by your posts…your thoughts…your words. You are a pro at this whole blogging thing. As a reader….thank you for putting so much effort and work and love into each and every post. It pays off – your blog is excellent. I've been encouraged, lifted up, motivated, brought to my knees, enlightened, and strengthened – so many times – right here at God Speaks Today!
Thank you!
And the whole thing about having someone ask you for a snack – or having someones bottom to clean – as soon as you sit down in the computer chair….yes….yes….me too. Weird how that always happens!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love to you,
Kate 🙂