1. Great post Sandy!

    After a few days of P90x I realized it wasn't the right fit for me right now for many of the same reasons you shared. I am doing Power 90 right now instead. The Phase 1-2 workouts are about 35minutes and not so intense. I have lost 3 lbs and 2.5 inches in 2weeks.

    My biggest challenge is all in my head. I want to get my workout done first thing in the AM. I don't want to shower and then have to shower again and there is a nagging in my brain until I get my exercise in.

    Right now that is working out alright with Ori in school and Jocie still taking a morning siesta.

    Dare I say I look forward to the day when both girls are in school????


  2. Hi Sandy 🙂

    This post is perfect for me….with my 3 year old and 3 month old – working out is hard. It's weird though. I'm finding that time isn't what's hard for me (i'm sure it will be when my kids are old enough to get into activities and such – now they just sit/play and watch me) – what's hard is that after I workout nowadays….I'm sooo tired afterwards. Which isn't good when I'm tending to little ones allll day long. Maybe it is because I'm still pumping breast milk or something – I don't know…. but I'm just SO exhausted after exercising – like never before. Maybe I'm low on some type of vitamin or something. Who knows 🙂 Having a baby does weird things to you body 🙂

    As always..thanks for the encouragement!

    Have a great weekend,
    Kate 🙂

  3. "something is better than nothing" is the mantra I must live by these days.

    I've always exercised, always (for the most part) stayed fit . ..and yet it's been a challenge this time around.

    With the twins, I not only gained twice the baby weight and had a c-section (delaying weight loss start), I have an extremely severe diastisis that limits what I can do. No abdomen exercises and watching stuff that works the core. From someone who loved Jillian Michaels workout dvd's . . .that's been a hard pill to swallow. And yet, by God's grace, I do find myself on the homestretch (although it's a stubborn homestretch). : )

    I have noticed it helps when I stop just worrying about the weight, etc and focus on building strength, stamina and my physical ability to perform my God given taks. Celebrating what my body can do and thanking God for it.

    It's been a journey as carrying and birthing twins took my body on a journey it's still not quite recovered on. : )

    I, too, try to protect my one nap break of all 3 girls down for a shower and my devotions and any catch up. Nap is also my last resort to exercise. We have a gym with free childcare that is my friend : ) but with germs, weather and all else, we haven't made it there quite as much as I used to. So I'm having to get more creative at home.

    I'm a big believer, though, in trying to let your kids be present in the active part of my life. Whether that's a walk outside together, having her (my 2 yr old) play around me while I work out (she often likes to "join" me : ) ) or just seeing activity a regular part of my life.

    I always say Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred dvd is a mom's friends. You can do it 30 minutes and get a complete workout. It's great on the days you don't have alot of time. I miss it as I can't do it right now.

    I so understand you saying it's hard to no be able to do P90x right now, but thanks for helping us all be reminded that there will be different stages through our lives and we can always do something.

    I've always appreciated your heart for Godly fitness and health – it wasn't always something I kept healthy and praise God that's a change He's made in my life.

    Ok, enough of a book. : )

  4. Once again… you make me laugh! Fitness DVD are an answer to fitness prayers… YEP! My 2 year old daughter loves to stand beside me trying to do the workouts herself. It is usually when I pop in their favorite movie…. OR I continually tell Avery, "I hear one of your babies crying, I think she's hungry!" It works everytime!

    As for the gym childcare… been there, done that! Once our house is completed I might do it one day a week again so I can take at least one spin class. But the germs…. Oh the GERMS!

    And when you are talking about naptime… I was on my end of the computer saying "AMEN SISTER!" This is a time of day for me that I usually work (I work from home). It's also my blogging time, sometimes, my reading time, but ONLY my workout time if I'm DESPERATE. It's sacred in this house too!

  5. Michelle: I have the same problem. But I also want to get my prayer time done first thing in the morning…and my housework. Impossible. Mid morning works best for me right now. But that changes with the seasons of life.

    Kate: I'm guessing with a 3 month old, you are probably not getting a full 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. That alone is enough to make me feel exhausted after a work out. I would do my best to get proper rest and nutrition and a TON of water before I worry too much about getting in a daily work out. You are right…having a baby does really weird things to your body! Just do 15 minutes a day, or go for a walk. Something is better than nothing.

    Amber: I love your "book!" And I totally agree that the 30-Day Shred DVD is golden to a busy mom. That's why P90X is throwing me off so much! It's just too long. Like Kate, take care of your nutrition and rest first. And it's OK to not work your core really hard right now. That's why I'm such a big fan of walking. It's perfect for moms with babies. And you can vary the intensity as you go.

    Sarah: You are a fitness goddess. 🙂

  6. Sandy, you always crack me up with your sense of humor! Love this and especially fitness prayers; LOL. I'm at a different season in my life but it I had small ones at home all day, I'm sure nap time would definitely be part of our routine.

    Keep writing with your unique Sandy style. I love it and you friend.


  7. My children are much older now (11,13), but I can still find excuses to not exercise. Transporting them to practices, games, church functions, and other family events and functions get in the way. By the time the day is done, I'm tired, so you know what I do that doesn't allow any excuses? I put on some music and dance like I think I can dance! Rain or shine I can always find time to shake a leg and this works for me. It has also lowered my blood pressure.
    Have a great weekend!

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