1. I follow this too, and like you, am amazed at how much can get done.

    Thanks for a good tip on a Monday morning that starts a week of "lots to get done." I'm going to start chipping away now!

  2. Honestly, I would never think this would work. I'm a bit of a perfectionist myself and I'm the same way. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed I just shut down and refuse to do anything. I'm going to try this "5 minutes or 5 things" thing. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  3. I'm going for five minutes today! I've used the 15 minute rule for cleaning and in that amount of time i can almost always get a couple rooms clean!! But, geez 5 minutes. Easy!!

  4. I can do that! Great idea! I am about to stop my blog reading in order to deal with just 5 pieces of paper on my desk. Brilliant!

    I've heard it before, too (just never listened to the wisdom of it). Maybe flylady???

    P.S. You mean I'm not the only one who has years and years worth of photos not put into albums?! That job terrifies me…

  5. Sandy, I wanted to say thanks so much for doing this series. I am a huge perfectionist (which, by the way, my husband can't understand why that doesn't equal NEAT and TIDY) and I am pretty much overwhelmed and paralyzed by it daily. I currently have a HUGE stack of papers on my kitchen table that I have done exactly what you said – avoid it because I can't go through it all at one time, or even WORSE for the perfectionist…I don't know what to do with everything! And so. I'm going to try just 5 pieces of paper at a time. Just 5. And…thank you also for giving us permission to set the bar low because you're right – if I set my goal at 10 and then don't make it, I go spiralling off into failure and guilt and end up giving up. Thank you for being open and willing to share so that I can see I'm not the only one in the world who struggles with this….and that there is hope!

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