1. Oh man!!! I so wish I could afford to go!!! This sounds amazing and like something I so totally need! Maybe next year.

    By the way, shared your story in my small group last night and everybody was rocked to their core! It was a good night!

    Thanks girl!!!

  2. Hi! Thanks for the comment on my blog today!
    I went to She Speaks last year too. What a wonderful experience. Hope this year is even more awesome for you!

  3. Oh my goodness – I WANT TO COME SOOOOOO BAD! But the baby is due right around that time! I sooooo want to go next year. Enjoy it for me – I know it will be awesome!

    Have a great rest of the week!

    -Kate 🙂

  4. I read the first comment someone that Summer wrote today and thought it was funny that I did the same exact thing.

    We have small groups that meet every other week from our church, and after your first post of the series I cried and cried and cried. I then became angry for you. I recall talking to my husband in the car on the way to small group telling him that this is a major area of struggle for me. Why, oh why could God let something like this happen to a person with AMAZING faith??? People notices that I wasn’t my “normal” outgoing self at small group and I spilled it all while crying.

    Your faith and willingness to share your amazing story and beautiful son, Noah, with us touches each and everyone of our hearts. I pray the conference goes well, and I am SO pulling for the book deal. You’re a great writer!

  5. This is so beautiful and encouraging!

    Where is the conference? Is it in NC? I live a couple of hours from you.

    I’m so sorry about the loss of your child. :o( I can’t imagine.

    Bless you Sister!

  6. Sandy, I’m glad you are going back to this great conference. You’re going to get that book published! BTW, my mother-in-law wrote her first book at the age of 84. She had it with a publisher but finally gave up and we helped her self-publish her book. It will be available on Amazon within a week or so. I’ll have to blog about that. I wish I could go to She Speaks but right now, I kind of doubt it. But I will be praying about it. It would be such fun to meet many of my fellow bloggers in person, especially YOU!!!!

  7. This is beautiful Sandy. From one former lonely girl to another 🙂
    Hugs and have a blessed day!

    Oh, and I started my entry a few days ago and will post tomorrow. You are gonna laugh at how similarly we started!! I’m telling you, great minds think alike!! Love you!

  8. Unfortunately I can not attend this year. I have several traveling events (Wedding, Minstries, Retreats, Family stuff, etc.) to add one more thing BUT…I’m hopeful for next year. I’ve never been but ALL that I have heard has been remarkable. I know it will be amazing time in the Lord.

    Love you sweet sister!

  9. Sandy,

    Thanks for the note, what you are speaking on is very important. After reading this, I am starting to think that while I do not have the dpression that you do, that I may infact suffer from mild bi-polar. Yes, I have an appointment with my gp to discuss this very thing.

    Please keep telling your story it needs to be heard. You are holding up a mirror for us to look not at you, but at ourselves in.


  10. Reading your account of last year’s She Speaks conference makes me drowned in my own tears all over again as I relive a very similar experience. I wish I could go back again this year, but I just don’t see it happening. Thanks for sharing this… I needed to be reminded of that time and I will be praying for all those attending this year!

  11. Sandy, your honest and open writing touches me every time. Thanks for going through all the trouble to post so many relevant info on your Blog. I keep learning about things I’ve never hear of, like this conference, and I wish I could go too (all the way from Oregon)

  12. Okay, you win. Unfortunately I have no say so in the matter, but, if I did? You’d totally be going to She Speaks for free. :)))

    It was great meeting you in Houston. Just found out our church mission trip is scheduled for She Speaks so it’s unlikely I’ll get to go but I’ll certainly be praying those dreams of yours come true! :))

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