1. Sandy, I want to thank you for your willingness to be real and vulnerable on your blog. Thank you for listening to God’s voice and obeying. I can understand your feelings of “I should be okay, I’m doing everything right, so I just need to be strong and get through this.” I also understand the sweeping under the rug of family problems. I hope your blog touches many lives, but I know that angels in heaven are rejoicing because you are showing obedience. Thank you. Praise God that we have a God who cares and comforts us through our storms!

  2. Dear Sandy, it is so obvious that the words from your heart will undoubtedly touch many people in ways you will never know. You have such a gift of sharing events through the written word that makes the reader feel as if they are sitting at your table and sharing a cup of tea with an old friend. Many blessings to you…

  3. I have been really loving these posts! I too have struggled with anxiety and depression, and I truly feel that God has healed me through Lexapro.

    I think it’s awesome that you are so willing to be open and vulnerable…

    Just another reason I love you and your blog!

  4. Seriously, just keep telling my story…so far all the elements are here 😉

    Really thanks for sharing. I think I have probably shared most of your symptoms. Yesterday, one of my college roommates whom I have not spoken with in 15 years emailed and said she couldn’t stop thinking about me because the spring sun after the dreary winter always reminds her of me. I really heart the sun. I heart the heat rays on my skin. It gives me so much energy…Seriously, my story here. 🙂

    May God’s healing reach even deeper places in your soul as you share, Sandy. I’m praying for you.

  5. Hi Sandy,

    Bless you for your transparency. I am thankful that you feel sunlight/Sonlight in your life again. That is wonderful!

    I pray that God will continue to remove every root that would oppress you. He is so good to us.

    Continue to dance through your home and enjoy this wonderful life.

    God bless you!

  6. It’s just a drop in the bucket compared to what you’ve been through, but I dealt with postpartum depression after daughter #3 was born, and I thank God for my wonderful doctor and her kindness and wisdom. She gave me the help I needed, which included Zoloft for about six months. I recovered nicely, thanks to her.
    It’s quite a story, Sandy. Thanks for sharing it.
    You are a blessing!

  7. Dear sweet Sandy. Of course I don’t know you but I just have to tell you that I love your story. I’m sorry you are going through this time but GOD IS GREATER AND BIGGER than depression and HE WILL SET YOU FREE!!!! I battled depression and needed the assistance of prescription to help me but you have taken the biggest step of all. You WILL come out of this and you ARE going to be a blessing to so many women through this. I will be praying for you. If ever you need encouragement or a prayer, let me know. This can seem overwhelming at times, but you are going to be set free.

  8. Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.


    I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.

  9. Wow, Sandy! I’ve only read part 5, but with tears in my eyes, I want to say THANK YOU! “It’s about a God who will work out your deliverance when you cling to Him.” I *needed* this today — He is SO good, isn’t He?!?! Thank you for pointing me to Jehovah Rapha, and thank you for being iron sharpening iron!

  10. Sandy, thank you for sharing from your heart with such honesty and transparency. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision but I know you are impacting other people through your story. Hugs to you.

  11. Thank you for sharing so honestly. Many Christians and churches don’t recognize that Christians can become depressed. It is important that they hear this message. How else will we learn compassion if we don’t understand how others suffer. I too have dealt with postpartum depression and now in my fifties I have days that make me feel like I am going crazy. So far taking B vitamins has kept me going, but I don’t rule out counseling and medication if I need it. I understand your fear of the drugs too, but I know sometimes they are the lesser of two evils. Take care of yourself. May the Lord continue to bless you with wisdom, grace, and healing.

  12. thank you so much for being transparent about a difficult and personal experience. just, thank you. you bless many more people than you will ever know. may God bless you richly in return.

  13. Thanks for always being so real, Sandy. It’s really refreshing:)

    And thank you for all of the scriptures you used in your post – I needed those today:)


  14. You are a fabulous writer. Thanks for the honesty – I’ll be by again! I really think this series is a good thing for me to be reading. And PS – you wouldn’t be the first to “eat up” the boys- they’ve both been bitten by others who just think they’re adorable 🙂

  15. Another great testimony to God’s grace in leading you towards recovery, Sandy. I too had those freak out moments when I went onto anti-depressants, especially when reading the list of all the things that could go wrong. My doctor/s tried me on two? different meds, and one did affect my concentration, so I went back to the old one.

    Depression also ran in my family, genetical inheritance certainly plays a large part of what we go through.

    I also could not agree more with your conclusion, “It’s about a God who will work out your deliverance when you cling to Him.” Although I had desparately sought a miraculous healing, the Lord lead me to recovering from depression by a very similar road to yours. A combination of medication, which took about two weeks or so to work after which it started dulling the pain, seeing a Christian counsellor in addressing the causes of depression, reading ‘Self Help for Your Nerves’ by Dr Claire Weekes, which was such an amazing practical guide to recovery; and of course prayer, Bible study, and most of all, clinging to Jesus.

    Sandy, I was wondering if I could put your ‘storm’ photo (and title) in the side bar of my blog, to point my blog’s readers to this series you are running?

    God bless, Peter

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