1. Sandy,

    This is truly a beautiful and impactful message and I pray God would send men and women that absolutely need to read this and receive within their hearts.

    Beautiful prayer.

    Happy Mother’s Day dear sister.

  2. Oh my gosh, I’m freaking out. This is exactly what I wrote about in the intro to my book. Weird.

    Anyway, blessings to you today, Sandy. Praying you will be filled with joy today.

  3. Happy Mother’s Day, Sandy!

    So much insight here, and a great perspective, although, tough at the same time. The prayer is beautiful.

  4. This was so good! I love the phrase “eternal perspective”…when I was a young girl, an older lady in church always mentioned the fact that she was just “a pilgrim passing through”every time she testified…I didn’t really understand the meaning of this until years later.

    Thank you for touching my heart again with your words…hope you enjoyed a great Mother’s Day!

  5. randomly found you while searching for a quote…

    just had to share, i heard someone answer that question, "three on earth and one in heaven."

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