1. Sandy, I’m glad you’re doing this. I’ve heard people say that so many times. God won’t give you more than you can handle. And I agree, it’s no where in the Bible. In fact, I’ve said just the opposite. He sometimes allows things in our life so we can come to the end of ourselves and turn to Him. I am unable. But He is so able.

    Thank you for sharing your heart. I knew that you suffered the loss of your child and can’t imagine the pain of that. You mentioned that your mom died within six months of that date. It must have been horrible to deal with those losses.

    I understand what it is to be depressed. I don’t like to talk about that stuff much because I try to focus on the positive and see something good or something I’m learning. But for me too, this has been a very difficult season, probably in different ways than you.

    I’m so thankful for my small group Bible study on Sunday mornings. They are so supportive and pray for all of our needs. They also keep us accountable. And I’m also grateful for my new blogging friends. I believe we’re living through a very uncertain time in this world. But I have to remember that this isn’t my real home. I’m just passing through. But during my time here, I want to be faithful and obedient to what the Lord calls me to do.

    Bless you Sandy. A big hug from your friend.

  2. Sandy, thank you for your willingness to address depression. From everything I’ve read, Spurgeon, Bunyon, and many of the great fathers of our faith struggled with this issue in their lives. Elijah did also. So as I go through my bouts of ‘Lord, eternity NOW would sound real good’, I’m encouraged that it has been the way of many great saints. You go girl! Know that there are many ears like mine waiting for someone else’s voice to say, “You are not alone.”
    With respect and love,

  3. Sand, how my heart beats with yours! I LOVE what you wrote on your blog. It is what I have lived. God has certainly given you a gift to boldly teach His Truth.

    Thank you for visiting my blog because in it God led me to yours. Your words spoke such encouragment to me. Yes, our Lord sometimes will not remove the storm no matter how hard we cry out because He knows what we need to come out the other side to be the people of God He needs us to be with a message He needs us to speak.

    Blessings to you,


  4. I am more than ready to read. Honestly, I have been one of those who say “God won’t give you anything that you can’t handle”, but it wasn’t until I read your post that it all makes sense. It completely taken out of context!

    I too struggled with depression in 2005, right after the birth of my son. Everyone thought it was post-partum depression, but little did they know that it was because of him that I got up every morning and remained “Active”. It was a little of everything…I was finishing my Masters degree, I started a new job (promotion) at the hospital I worked at, I was student teaching, taking care of a newborn, and then to top it all off my parents (who live in Texas and I live in Missouri) had the biggest blow out of their married life which landed my mother in a hospital and my father in jail… and guess who was to pick up all the peices… Me!

    It was the lowest time of my life, when it should have been the happiest, and I honestly put the blame on my parents for what they put me through.

    It wasn’t until I started my very first Beth Moore study that I started to come out of it. I would NEVER wish it upon anyone, but I have been able to reach out to people that were in the midst of stuggling themselves.

    I am SO looking forward to this! I pray for your courage and strength. Like I’ve told you before… You amaze me in everything that you do!

  5. Strapped in and ready, Sandy! I’m anxious to share in what you’ve learned through your trials. I’ve often said, times of joy never taught nobody nothin’! Suffering is the best teacher. Which just stinks, but it’s true!
    BTW, thanks for being willing to bear the pain again.
    Bless you.

  6. Sandy,

    Thanks so much for opening up and sharing your life with us.

    I’m looking forward to reading about what’s on your heart.

    Praying for you,
    Kate 🙂

  7. Do I dare admit that I’m afraid of what’s ahead? I feel like I’m being preped through your story for an experience all my own. I’m honored to be able to share in your story and I will be listening with an open heart and mind. Thank you for your courage to walk through this again. I’ll be praying for you.

  8. I believe God purposely allows trials, tests and tribulations into our lives so that we will run to Him as fast as we can, cling to Him as hard as we can, and grow in faith as much as we can. Because when God brings us through the worst trials of our lives with HIS strength, we praise Him as loud as we can. (I know it should be “loudly” but proper grammar destroys the rhythm of my sentences…)…I would venture to say, nearly everything God is able to do through me—anything with eternal value and spiritual significance—stems in some way from a dark, desolate place.

    Downloaded from my brain.

    I always tell people, when they ask “How do you do it?” (ya know four kids 3,5,7,9…energetic, strong willed, stubborn, lively, full of personality kids) that God always gives me a little more than I think I can so I will always depend on Him.

    And, my blog is a result of my second miscarriage…in week 12…dark times that gleaned much spiritual treasure.

    My daughter’s daily prayer (even though she knows God’s already said no) is to let her be an animal…just for a day. 🙂

    This is weird, hilarious and so, so fun! Wow, you encourage me. Thanks, sis.

  9. Sandy,

    I’m not sure I’m ready…but I’m so willing to see how God worked through these storms in your life.

    I’m grabbing my box of tissues! I’ll say a prayer for you! Blessings to you!

  10. God’s truths come shining through this heart felt post. I too have seen and heard so many people giving advice to those suffering from depression, such as “You are not praying enough.” When I was severely depression, I don’t think there was a single moment that at least one part of me was not screaming out the Lord’s name, quoting scriptures back at Him, praying, exhorting…yet seemingly without results.

    And I agree completely about the temptation verse – certainly not talking about suffering. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 is so clear in telling us that in times of intense suffering we learn to rely upon His strength, not our own. I think this would shock many Christians, who expect that God will keep us from suffering. So when suffering comes, as it does to everyone to some degree or another – we get a massive shock, suffer from denial, anger, confusion, etc.

    When we know the truth – learn to be content whatever our circumstances, trust in Jesus, and consider suffering pure joy, what a difference it makes to the way we respond to the suffering. It rages outside us, but does not come inside. Then we can receive the rest Jesus has for us.

    God bless

  11. It is strange to think that God allows trials in our lives totally for His kingdom..and this is for His kingdom in ministering comfort to others..thank you so much..

  12. I hope you don’t mind but I’d love to print out the thing about not being given more than you can bear and share it with my small group tomorrow.

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