The House Diaries
Dear House:
I know I haven’t shown it lately, but you really do mean a lot to me. You’ve been a shelter from the storm, a firm foundation and a soft place to land. I’m so sorry I’ve neglected you…for the past year.
When I first found you, you consumed my days. I decorated you and organized you. You were the first thing I thought of when I woke up. The object of my affection. The highest priority on my to-do list. Target cheered with excitement every time I entered, knowing I was about to shower you with gifts. You were so gorgeous back then.
Remember when I used to have a daily planner and wrote about you every single day? Remember when I used to love to show you off to the neighbors? Remember when our friends admired our relationship and asked us for advice?
Now I can barely stand the sight of you. Truth be told, you’re stressing me out. What’s happened to us?
Lately…our relationship resembles a game of Whack-a-Mole.
You know it’s true. I see it in the way you look at me. You’re starting to resent me.
Just when I think I’ve made some headway in our relationship, you pop up with something new. You’re hiding my stuff. Overwhelming me with clutter.
You’ve become so high maintenance. You are a mess. I know that hurts you when I say that, but we need to lay the cards on the table.
You’ll be happy to know this is the week I re-establish our relationship. This is the week I tend to you from top to bottom. From wall to wall. If things go well, I may even dig out the daily planner and schedule you back in.
We have a lot of work to do…well, first to actually find the daily planner…but also, to redefine our relationship.
I don’t know if things will ever be the same as they once were. It’s not you, it’s me. My life has become so much more complicated than when we first fell in love. I hate to break this to you, but there is someone else in my life.
I’m sorry if that hurts you, but it is what it is. You have to come to terms with it, and realize you can’t always break down every time someone new enters the picture.
So maybe we can take is slowly. Room-by-room. I’m willing to work as long as it takes.
This is so cute! Sometimes I feel like my house has it in for me too. How can there be more dust just hours after I get done dusting?
Your house has the same gremlins as my house! 🙂
You go, girl!
Oh, I loved this post! You’re so cute and witty!
Thanks for directing peeps to my blog for the giveaway. You rocketh!
Sandy you are toofunny. i need to print this off and put it on the fridge. Whats so funny and ironic is that I walked into my house from school and errands this morning and just began talking to myself about how I wanted to go back to bed, but the house was such a mess. There is MESS in every single room!! Every Single Room!!! I’ve not let it get like this in a good while actually…but oh man.. So.. today, I will be doing the same. AND making soap. I’ve been working on a LARGE order and that has taken up some of my time.
OH.. and I LOVE your pocketbook!k
Hey! My house looked like that Monday! I got in a fit and cleaned it….My kitchen is still a pit, but I have a hard time winning that battle. Cute post!
That’s funny. I’m not sure there’s any hope for the relationship with my house!
Oh Sandy, you are a hoot! Leave it to you to write a blog post to your house. I love your sense of humor and writing style. And btw, I won’t let you down. This Friday is Fitness Friday, friend. I’ll remember the day of the week.
Oh PRAISE GOD, there are friends in this world who will be REAL with you!!!
Sandy….YOU ROCK!! You know, I think it would be LIBERATING for ALL of us, if we took pictures of our “heaps” and posted them….for all too see!! (And, it would be a great defense against the “LIAR” who tries to tell us, DAILY, that we don’t measure up to all these other ladies who seemingly “have it all together”!!)
All we can do is laugh, huh?! There’s just SO much more in life that I want to do, besides be CHAINED to my house….cleaning!!! Most importantly….my 3 precious little bundles 🙂
I just LOVE you so much, Sandra Cooper!! You’re SUCH an amazing friend!!
Don’t scrub too hard…it’s going to be a GORGEOUS weekend, here in our neck of the woods!! 😉
This is my house right now too. I keep saying today I will… and for some reason (currently it is double ear infection with kid #3) I get nothing done. Oh I did clean a mirror and sink today because I stuck to the toothpaste on the side and could not see in the mirror anymore. It is strange how priorities change and kids really do rule your every minute!!!!!!! Got to go kids are calling…. Jennifer Burton
LOVE IT! Thanks for letting me feel “normal.” 🙂
What a funny post! I kept thinking of that commercial about the swiffer duster taking over the house and the broom sending flowers to the lady of the house and then singing “Baby come back”. Thanks for the laugh…I needed that today!
Why are you posting pictures of my house on your blog???
Separated at birth I tell ya!
Ummmm…add to that a mommy who’s never home and that’s my house.
Today, I cleaned out my bathroom drawers…that’s a start, right? But, those are my thoughts. Let me know how you solve the I-have-to-write-but-I-also-have-to-live-work-raise-kids-and-talk-to-my-husband-at-the-minimum problem. LOL