Holy Hunger: Developing an Appetite for Truth, Part Three
Holy Hunger, Part One
Holy Hunger, Part Two
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (Psalm 119:103)
Five Ways to Whet Your Appetite for the Truth
1. Ask God to stimulate in you a hunger for His Word and His presence. I did this a LOT early on in my walk with God. To me, the Bible read like a dictionary or an encyclopedia: a great book to have around for reference, but who in the world would sit and READ it for enjoyment? Turns out, I do! Imagine that. God loves to stir up a hunger in us and then fill us up all at the same time. The more I prayed this prayer, the more I anticipated my time in the Word and the more I comprehended.
2. Don’t feel like the only proper way to read the Word is a chronological study from Genesis to Revelation (which, ironically, isn’t even historically chronological). Look for Bible studies on topics that interest you. Browse the Christian book store or Amazon. You can find almost anything from “business” to “babies,” from “time management” to “the tabernacle”—chances are great that there’s a Bible study written on a topic you enjoy. I have found when I study something that interests me, I anticipate my time with God because it is so immediately applicable to where I am.
3. Consume the Word in a form you prefer. Maybe you love books and the written word. Or perhaps you’re more of a DVD/TV kind of person. Maybe teaching tapes or small group discussions are more your style. You’ll retain so much more when you adapt your study to your learning style.
4. Find a friend with whom you can discuss your current study and the truths you are learning. This type of friendship provides several benefits:
a. It challenges you by offering another opinion and feedback to your ideas
b. It helps you to process and retain what you are learning by giving you a verbal outlet.
c. It holds you accountable during the dry times when you may not be as motivated to read and study the Word.
5. Try meditating on the Word, rather than feeling like you have to get through several chapters at a sitting. Check out my post on meditation for a deeper discussion on this.
6. Just get started. Like any good habit, it starts with an action. The more you study God’s Word, enter into His presence and search for Truth, the more you will want to incorporate those things into your daily diet. Before you know it, it becomes part of your lifestyle…and you just can’t imagine your day without it. No lie.
Speaking of diet…come back Friday for our weekly Fitness Friday post. This much fun should be illegal. That should be our Fitness Friday motto, don’t you think?
And did you see the results of the Title Poll in the sidebar? “Taken By Storm” literally came from behind and took the competition by storm—sorry, bad joke. So the official title of my up-coming book is…(drum roll please)
Taken By Storm: Hearing God Speak in the Midst of Chaos.
Thank you, Jenn for this suggestion. I love it.
My book proposal is in the final revision stages and I’ll be off to She Speaks to meet with publishers. Please keep this girl lifted in prayer. I NEED it!!!!!!
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Prayers, prayers, and MORE prayers for you, my Friend!
Once I discovered the Inductive Bible Study method, my study habits really took off!! Kay Arthur rocks my world! I am hoping to get some training and bring her Precept trainings to New Life!
God is cool. And because He made us all unique — He has also provided for unique ways to minister to us and for us to seek and study His word.
I have done inductive Bible study and it is awesome. I have also done many in-depth Bible studies which are really great.
When life sort of has me on the fast lane and other times when I am involved in a bible study, I always love to have study tapes/CDs in the car. It's not a substitute — like those Amy's frozen pizza bites. But they are a great snack and something to keep you until it's time for your sit down meal.
Great tips, Sandy. And I'm so glad to hear the proposal is in its final stages. I'll pray for you!
Sandy, thanks for leaving a comment and letting me know you chose my title for your book proposal. My dream is to someday write a book. But, right now I am still in the learning phase. I feel like God is teaching me all the stuff now I will someday piece together into the message He has. For now i really enjoy using my creativity on stuff like this. The last 6 months have been the most challenging of my life- and I know the words, "Taken By Storm." came straight from God. Your blog really ministered to me after my miscarriage. I am so thankful God has woven out stories together and I will be praying for your book proposal. I know its a message people need, I sure did!
Awesome stuff, Sandy.
For most of this year, my wife, a friend, and myself having been studying Christology together, and we have all grown so much closer to Christ through this. (I've also started a new blog where I'm sharing the same info we are studying.)
I'm also reading Psalms, and just love the honesty that David and the other Psalmists share.
All the best with your book too 🙂