1. Very funny, Sandy. There are some great tips here, but I will say that I was greatly relieved when I found out that toddlers need so much LESS food than we adults do–like three green beans is enough. That put things into perspective for me. I stopped pushing so much then.

    P.S. I think the kitty will teach your daughter not to pull its tail on its own. Either that, or it doesn't bother the cat so don't let it bother you. 🙂

  2. Very funny, Sandy. There are some great tips here, but I will say that I was greatly relieved when I found out that toddlers need so much LESS food than we adults do–like three green beans is enough. That put things into perspective for me. I stopped pushing so much then.

    P.S. I think the kitty will teach your daughter not to pull its tail on its own. Either that, or it doesn't bother the cat so don't let it bother you. 🙂

  3. Good post Sandy! I have always put a whole bunch of spinach in the blender to add to my spag. sauce. One time Elena caught me and said, "YOU PUT SALAD IN THE SAUCE???!!!". Also, we don't do the clean plate club either. We do the "3 bites to be polite" rule. That is three bite of everything on your plate. I say that if someone (usually ME) took the time to make you a meal then your owe them 3 bites to be polite.

  4. Good post Sandy! I have always put a whole bunch of spinach in the blender to add to my spag. sauce. One time Elena caught me and said, "YOU PUT SALAD IN THE SAUCE???!!!". Also, we don't do the clean plate club either. We do the "3 bites to be polite" rule. That is three bite of everything on your plate. I say that if someone (usually ME) took the time to make you a meal then your owe them 3 bites to be polite.

  5. Sandy, I'm just now getting around to reading your fitness Friday blog post. I missed not participating this week. But I'll be back next Friday!

    I always love reading your posts. You add your Sandy humor to everything; you can't help yourself and I love that about you.

    I remember as a kid whenever my mother added a new vegetable or dish, we had to at least eat about half of it. She wanted us to experience a variety of food. We didn't mind since we knew it wasn't too much. We hardly ever went out to eat. The only times I remember might have been on Easter with the whole big family or to Howard Johnson's on a Friday night when they had all you can eat fish for about $3.

  6. Sandy, I'm just now getting around to reading your fitness Friday blog post. I missed not participating this week. But I'll be back next Friday!

    I always love reading your posts. You add your Sandy humor to everything; you can't help yourself and I love that about you.

    I remember as a kid whenever my mother added a new vegetable or dish, we had to at least eat about half of it. She wanted us to experience a variety of food. We didn't mind since we knew it wasn't too much. We hardly ever went out to eat. The only times I remember might have been on Easter with the whole big family or to Howard Johnson's on a Friday night when they had all you can eat fish for about $3.

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