Houston Recap: Better Late Than Never
Happy Wednesday to you! If you could not care less about my trip to Houston, then you are dismissed from class today. See you on Fitness Friday. Good bye!!!
For the rest of you, you may recall that I won a blog give-away that I talked about here. Paula at Wrinkled Shirts provided a plane ticket to Houston and Proverbs 31 Ministries gave us tickets to the Girl’s Night Out, a sold-out event!
I was so excited that Lindsey (A New Life), drove up down from Dallas to hang with us. I found Lindsey a few months ago and begged her to join us so I could meet her in person.
Our Girls Night Out started early, when Paula took us to Pappasitos for some authentic Tex Mex, ya’ll!
Here’s me, Paula and Linsdsey, BEFORE we ate six bowls of chips. I seriously think I look skinnier here than in any other picture (ie, AFTER six bowls of chips).
Jake made us guacamole, table side. Then we ate more chips. And then we had entrees. We did NOT order dessert, though I was tempted.
Then it was off to GNO, where I was excited to sit behind Amanda (Baby Bangs). This was amazingly convenient, because you see, I had just met Amanda in blog-ville a few days prior when I read her post about the size of her 37-week-pregnant behind. I left a comment assuring her that I had the world’s largest behind when I was pregnant–and I promised her that if I did see her at GNO, I would be sure to tell her how small her behind is.
Girls do these sorts of things for each other, whether it’s true or not. It’s just the proper thing, you know what I’m sayin’?
Imagine my delight when I was seated directly behind her (sort of) and–no lie here–I wasn’t sure it was her because I couldn’t tell from my angle if she was pregnant!! I was thrilled to introduce myself to her and say with complete honesty that she had the smallest behind I’ve ever seen on a now 38-week-pregnant young lady. Now, when was the last time you introduced yourself to a perfect stranger telling her she had a small behind? It was a first for me, too.
Kate from Jon and Kate Plus 8 was one of the featured speakers. I love Kate and her show. I always feel like I can handle anything in my house after I watch her with her little ones. Plus, she eats organic food. A woman after my own heart.
This is as close as I could get to Kate. That’s right. The big screen. I attempted to stand in line to get my hand autographed (I didn’t have a book…the line was too long). But after 30 minutes and no movement whatsoever, I decided Kate would have to become my BFF another time.
Kate is cute as a button and has the world’s funkiest hair. I’m sure every salon in Houston and the surrounding area was full of giddy post-GNO women who were asking for a “Kate Do.” on Friday. The madness of it all!
After we ditched Kate’s line, we decided to hang out by the Proverbs 31 table to sneak a hug from Lysa Terkeurst and Renee Swope. Apparently, a bunch of bloggers had the same idea, because we had a little After Glow, GNO-style, right there in the foyer! I think this impromptu gathering was the highlight of my trip. Take a look:
Here’s Renee Swope and me. Why black and white, you ask? Well, I messed with the color so badly trying to edit the photo (aka, cover up the fact that I had been up for about 18 hours by this point, and my eyes were seriously dark and wrinkled). So black and white, we are!!! Sort of retro, eh?
Can I just say, Renee is about the sweetest person you’ll ever meet? She and I corresponded a bit by e-mail before the event, and I literally could not wait to hug her. She makes you feel like you’ve known her your whole life. And what an amazing testimony she has. If she ever speaks near you, go see her.
Next I found Missy (It’s Almost Naptime).
We just recently discovered one another in blog-land (or started sharing “bloggy love” as she put it), and made quite a scene when we met. I was so excited to meet her in person, I about knocked her over. Her blog is fabulous, and everything you want a blog to be…she is just plain funny. And real. I like that in a girl. I think we’ll be friends forever.
Especially after this:
Look closely now…
Do you see it?????
That’s right. Girlfriend wore her dress inside out to GNO. And allowed me take pictures of it to post on blogs around the world. She’s got four small children. Any wonder her blog is called, “It’s Almost Nap Time”? Bless her heart.
Here’s the whole gang in order. Back Row:Lindsey (A New Life), Paula (Wrinkled Shirts), Vern (Inspired Looks), Linda (Mocha with Linda) Front Row: Me, Missy (It’s Almost Naptime), Renee Swope, Lysa Terkeurst, Lisa (The Preachers Wife), and Melanie (Big Mama)
Vern: So stylish. I’ve got to check out this girl’s ministry. She loves pink. (Squeal!!!)
Lisa: How cute is she? I can’t wait to read up on her blog.
Linda: Didn’t ring a bell when we first met, but when I got home and saw her profile pic with two little steamy cups of coffee, I knew exactly who she was. So sweet.
Melanie: So NOT what I expected from a blogger who calls herself Big Mama. You know what I’m sayin’? And she has the best hair. I want it.
Oh, but the fun was just beginning. Bright and early the next morning, we joined Lysa and her assistant Holly for breakfast! The tater tots were terrible and the oatmeal was instant…but the fellowship was waaaayyyyy fun.
Here’s Holly and me. Holly agreed to be a guest blogger on God Speaks Today. I told her this would be my “photo on file” for her post. She’s Lysa’s best friend. And from everything I’ve heard about Holly, I want her to be my best friend too. But I have a best friend already. So maybe I can just borrow Holly once in a while.
Here’s a pic of Lysa and me. Her eyes matched her vest. She’s so pretty. And I love her ministry so much. I’m a groupie.
Here’s the gang again, with a few additions and subtractions. Ready? Back Row: Lindsey, Shelly (My Life on the Wild Side), Melanie, Holly, Me. Front Row: Lysa, Vern, Linda and Paula
I wish I would have had more time with Shelly. She was so cute. When she introduced herself she said, “My blog is called ‘Life on the Wild Side’ but I’m not wild. That’s just my name.”
And here we are again…trying to get away from the glare. I won’t go through all the names again. You know us quite intimately by now.
After breakfast, Paula took Lindsey and me to this quaint little area of town for some fabulous food (seriously…we at a LOT while I was in Houston!) and some great shopping.
Paula: You are amazing. I just love you and I’m so glad we are friends. Thank you for making this trip possible for me, making all the arrangements and totally playing tour guide, chauffeur and roommate! I feel like I’ve known you forever.
Lindsey: You are an extraordinary woman. I love seeing everything God is doing in you. Thank you for letting me be a small part of it. Looking for great things from you!!
And last but not least:
My little cowgirl and cowboy, sporting the new shirts I got them while in Houston. They missed their Mommy.
Please don’t tell me if there are typos here. This post took me three hours to write. What is up with that??? I’m going to bed.
I’m sooooo jealous! I hope someday, before heaven anyway, that I get to meet some of the amazing people I’ve met in blogville. I think if I said that 10 years ago I would be considered a lunatic, but seriously, I’m amazed at how quickly you can get to know people through the bloggy world! And so glad to have “met” you.
Can’t wait to hear from Holly and please get some sleep!!!
What did I tell you about that first picture at the restaurant?? “They” are all I can see!!!!
Seriously, I LOVED LOVED LOVED our trip!!!
I have no pictures to post on my blog. What’s up with THAT??!!?? Guess I should take a camera next time :-).
It was wonderful meeting you in person- you are just like I imagined, but shorter. Ha Ha :-).
Love you! And thank you for all the encouragement and insight. Our meeting the way we did and our connection is truly God-anointed!
Gosh Sandy what a great gals time out. Oh how I wish I could do that, perhaps when sonny-boy is older. I love all of the pictures, you did not look like you were up 18 hours–you looked beautiful and nice and slim.
This is a wonderful post. I so enjoyed reading it and viewing all of the great photos. I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself.
It must be a complete blessing to meet women that you’re blogging with and to hug necks with those you have shared stories with and supported via blog land. I’ve not had that experience yet but some day in God’s timing.
It’s also nice to meet new women.
Your kids are adorable! I’m sure they are glad Mommy is home.
Bless you.
I’m super jealous of you! What an awesome time you had! Thanks for sharing 🙂
What a cool trip 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your week, girl!
Love and Hugs,
Kate 🙂
I couldn’t wait to read your blog post about this event. It’s so fun to share your excitement, even though I really wish I had been there too. But simply reading this makes me feel ALMOST like I was there.
The thing that struck me about Lysa, when I met her, was also the color of her eyes. They are so beautiful! And yet, she’s so very real and a joy to be around.
And I love Holly too! She’s so organized and can get things done and make it look easy. She’s also fun to spend time with.
I’m glad that you identified the blogs with the pictures of your new BBF (best blogging friends). I’ve read many of them but now will have to check each one out. Isn’t bloggy world great, Sandy?
So glad you had so much fun, Honey.
Love ya!
I can’t believe it’s already been a week that I was giddily anticipating that fun trip!
I’m so glad you posted a picture of the glare shot – I didn’t get one of those and I wanted one.
Sorry your post took so long to write (linking to everyone’s site is a pain and does take awhile!) but it was WONDERFUL to read!! I’m so glad to be new bloggy friends with you.
And BTW, I don’t know WHAT’S up with Blogger – my profile pic isn’t showing and a few other bloggers’ aren’t either the last few days. It’s making me crazy!
Girl, you're amazing. Thanks for posting all of the pics. I had a blast. I'm so glad you're the one God chose for the trip!
Paula G.
Hey girl—
It was so great to see you, hug you, catch up with you, and eat nasty oatmeal with you.
I totally enjoyed our time with all the bloggy sisters!
Big Hugs girl~
hey!!! My post took about 3 hours to write too. Ex-Haustion.
SO loved meeting you! And you recapped very well. The Zoolander pic is fab-alous.
And I am very glad you got to go to Pappasitos. Because when Jesus comes back, I am pretty sure he is going to go there first. Its so divine.
Sandy, I know this post took forever but I am so glad you did it! I hope you have power again now. Although I have to say that hanging out at Panera is one of my favorite things to do!
I knew you had great photos and I couldn’t wait to see them. I love the B/W with you and me!! So retro!
It was so great to meet you!! I just couldn’t wait to hug your neck and connect just even a little bit. Thanks for waiting forever for us to be done so we could have our ‘after party’. I wish I could’ve done breakfast but oh well, maybe next time.
You are the sweetest thing and I hope to see you again, before Heaven! Are you coming to She Speaks?
I am bummed beyond belief that I missed that “after party,” but breakfast was so much fun. I sure wish I could have spent more time with you–I think we’d have fun together! Next time you’re here visiting your in-laws (ha!) you’ll have to let me know so we can hit the big city together.
I’ll be back!