1. I’m sooooo jealous! I hope someday, before heaven anyway, that I get to meet some of the amazing people I’ve met in blogville. I think if I said that 10 years ago I would be considered a lunatic, but seriously, I’m amazed at how quickly you can get to know people through the bloggy world! And so glad to have “met” you.

    Can’t wait to hear from Holly and please get some sleep!!!

  2. What did I tell you about that first picture at the restaurant?? “They” are all I can see!!!!

    Seriously, I LOVED LOVED LOVED our trip!!!

    I have no pictures to post on my blog. What’s up with THAT??!!?? Guess I should take a camera next time :-).

    It was wonderful meeting you in person- you are just like I imagined, but shorter. Ha Ha :-).

    Love you! And thank you for all the encouragement and insight. Our meeting the way we did and our connection is truly God-anointed!

  3. Gosh Sandy what a great gals time out. Oh how I wish I could do that, perhaps when sonny-boy is older. I love all of the pictures, you did not look like you were up 18 hours–you looked beautiful and nice and slim.

  4. Sandy,

    This is a wonderful post. I so enjoyed reading it and viewing all of the great photos. I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself.

    It must be a complete blessing to meet women that you’re blogging with and to hug necks with those you have shared stories with and supported via blog land. I’ve not had that experience yet but some day in God’s timing.

    It’s also nice to meet new women.

    Your kids are adorable! I’m sure they are glad Mommy is home.

    Bless you.

  5. I’m super jealous of you! What an awesome time you had! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    What a cool trip 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your week, girl!

    Love and Hugs,
    Kate 🙂

  6. I couldn’t wait to read your blog post about this event. It’s so fun to share your excitement, even though I really wish I had been there too. But simply reading this makes me feel ALMOST like I was there.

    The thing that struck me about Lysa, when I met her, was also the color of her eyes. They are so beautiful! And yet, she’s so very real and a joy to be around.

    And I love Holly too! She’s so organized and can get things done and make it look easy. She’s also fun to spend time with.

    I’m glad that you identified the blogs with the pictures of your new BBF (best blogging friends). I’ve read many of them but now will have to check each one out. Isn’t bloggy world great, Sandy?

  7. I can’t believe it’s already been a week that I was giddily anticipating that fun trip!

    I’m so glad you posted a picture of the glare shot – I didn’t get one of those and I wanted one.

    Sorry your post took so long to write (linking to everyone’s site is a pain and does take awhile!) but it was WONDERFUL to read!! I’m so glad to be new bloggy friends with you.

    And BTW, I don’t know WHAT’S up with Blogger – my profile pic isn’t showing and a few other bloggers’ aren’t either the last few days. It’s making me crazy!

  8. Hey girl—

    It was so great to see you, hug you, catch up with you, and eat nasty oatmeal with you.

    I totally enjoyed our time with all the bloggy sisters!

    Big Hugs girl~


  9. hey!!! My post took about 3 hours to write too. Ex-Haustion.

    SO loved meeting you! And you recapped very well. The Zoolander pic is fab-alous.

    And I am very glad you got to go to Pappasitos. Because when Jesus comes back, I am pretty sure he is going to go there first. Its so divine.


  10. Sandy, I know this post took forever but I am so glad you did it! I hope you have power again now. Although I have to say that hanging out at Panera is one of my favorite things to do!

    I knew you had great photos and I couldn’t wait to see them. I love the B/W with you and me!! So retro!

    It was so great to meet you!! I just couldn’t wait to hug your neck and connect just even a little bit. Thanks for waiting forever for us to be done so we could have our ‘after party’. I wish I could’ve done breakfast but oh well, maybe next time.

    You are the sweetest thing and I hope to see you again, before Heaven! Are you coming to She Speaks?


  11. I am bummed beyond belief that I missed that “after party,” but breakfast was so much fun. I sure wish I could have spent more time with you–I think we’d have fun together! Next time you’re here visiting your in-laws (ha!) you’ll have to let me know so we can hit the big city together.

    I’ll be back!


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