1. Why do I feel like all I ever comment is, “Wow”?
    Well, probably ’cause you’re always reading my mail. 🙂

    This seems like such an easy concept to grasp, but I believe it truly is the hardest. I think especially for women. We are always striving to be perfect.

    Thank you so much for your post. Like Jesus, I’m also a Sandy fan.
    Love you!

  2. It took me a long time to believe this too. I kept thinking I had to get my act together before I could be worthy to be in His presence.

    It was truly a defining moment for me when I realized I didn’t have to make any promises or wipe away all my sins before I could experience His love. I just needed to strive to be perfected in Him, not perfect for him.

    Awesome post, yet again!! Glad you are back!


  3. Sandy, This was absolutely beautiful…. God speaks to me like that too… in those sweet ways with examples that are tangible to me. I love that He does that…

    I loved every word of this post.

    I found you from the Internet Cafe. This is my first visit her. Congratulations on the award. I am one of the devotional writers there and am so blessed to see you receive this award.

    Keep writing your heart. It’s absolutely beautiful.

    It’s nice to meet you. I hope you will stop by my blog for a visit. I love meeting new people.


  4. I loved reading this, just not sure what to do with it… sit on it a while, let it soak in. I’m definitely a “believer” in all the right stuff, just tend to be in that place where I know more about the disconnect than a true understanding of the relationship part.
    Even still, waiting and trusting…
    Thanks for this series! It speaks to me right where I’m at.

  5. What a totally wonderful post 🙂

    I didn’t realize it until now, but I suppose that I have been thinking that God loves me….but doesn’t like me, too.

    I love how your blog makes me stop and think about the real stuff.

    Have a good week!

    – Kate 🙂

  6. Sandy,

    This message was powerful and well said — GOD is glorified! I was blessed as was so many others.

    I’m glad you’re back online from the bad weather!

    Love you.

  7. So beautifully put! I love that God called Himself our Heavenly Father. The parental image is just so perfect and gives us such a wonderful standard by which to try and parent and to understand His affection for us.

  8. beautiful!!!! amazingly enough – I have been going through the same (almost same) lesson. I totally got that God loved me. I totally God that I couldn't earn His love…. but I used to do things (read Bible, spend time with Him) just so I could say to Him – God aren't you proud? Look at what I'm doing…. but one day He really made it so clear that my heart wasn't right. Out of my own issues & insecurities — I was still being with Him, doing for Him — FOR ME!

    Then I went through this "but do I have your approval God" — am I just a disappointment? Am I not good enough? phase

    So then I realized that for so long that I was seeking approval I already had. It was over, I was reconciled to Him and I had His love. It's okay – He didn't hang expectations over my head and be disappointed when I didn't reach them! I felt so FREE after that revelation

    but THEN He told me — but don't ever give up your desire to please me either randi Jo.

    and since then He has been pouring into me sooo much about what is pleasing to Him… I have just been pouring over scripture learning what is pleasing to Him!! and over and over again He is telling me — you loving me is pleasing. You having faith in my goodness is pleasing. You allowing ME to do the work is pleasing. He says – *I* do the work — you do the loving & allowing!

    For the longest time I spent time with Him — because I was afraid to disappoint Him. I wanted Him to be proud of me —- and when He finally took that all away…it was SOOO awesome to have LESS of me so that there could be so much MORE of HIM!!

    Now He is teaching me how to truly desire to be with Him just out of love for Him. How to truly be HIM focused not me focused.

    I AM SO sorry I just rambled so much. I am just overflowing these days

    ANYWAY — my point is!! I SOOO hear you on this post!!!!!!!!!!!

    He is pleased with our faith in His goodness, and His love!! 🙂

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