1. What you said on the third one…I used to struggle with not having the desire to go on mission trips out of the country. I have a 16 y.o. daughter who has been to Togo, West Africa, and Cochabamba, Bolivia, both this year. She wants to be a full time missionary in Africa and has since she was seven or eight. Someone said to me this last year that maybe I was just supposed to raise a missionary, not be one. I'm not saying I'll never go on a trip, but it took the pressure and guilt off of me which shouldn't have been there in the first place.

  2. AGAIN i realised I'm listening to the wrong voice. I cannot tell you how i saw myself here straight on… O i just did lol.
    "I'm not doing enough, I'll never get a job, we'll never get married, I'm going to fail at everything, I'm good at so much yet unemployable"

    KEEP IT COMING SO I CAN SEE WHERE I'M GOING WRONG!!!! GREAT post on the whole yes yes

  3. Awesome post! I know this is one area where lots of Christians fall prey to…including myself. I always tend to think those "thoughts" are my own, it's hard to decipher when they are and when they aren't 😛


  4. I'm right here, right now Sandy! I've been hearing Satan's voice A LOT since my Dad died a little over a month ago and he's been telling me all kinds of terrible lies!!

    Thank you for this post!


  5. GREAT post Sandy! The reason it wasn't "freaky" is because you taught directly from scripture (as always!;) Many times Christians give Satan too much credit. But there is a balance in that the Bible tells us there is an enemy of our souls. Thank you for calling him out and showing us how to recognize his voice so that we may NOT listen to it.

  6. I have never been on your blog before today. I think God wanted me to see your post today. Lately I have really been trying to be obedient to what I feel God is leadiing me to do. I lead a class for women on Wednesday evenings at church. A few weeks ago we taled about the lies that Satan wants us to believe and I countered each lie with a truth from God's word. I have been going through some difficult times lately and this past Sunday my husband and I were discussing this, I shared with Him that I feel like that Satan is really attacking me in my weak areas because I am trying to be obedient to God's leading in my life. We must be aware of Satan and His schemes. He wants to trip us up. I am like you in that when you want to discuss Satan with other people they don't really like to go there. I will continue to follow you on this

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